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"Smashed Pennies"
DL Disneyland ® Park On-stage
Elongated Coin Numbers DL0401 ~ DL0424 © 2007 ParkPennies

Hidden Smashed Penny Treasures... Found.

Merlyn Merlin stampbacks
The two smashed pennies at the left are worthy of a close look. As with many Disneyland smashed pennies, a close look can reveal a hidden treasure. For example, when you look at the images to the left, you'll see the first smashed penny reverse is spelled MERLYN. The second one is spelled MERLIN. The first isn't the customary Disney spelling, so it was retired within a month of its debut and a new corrected reverse took its place. No fan fare, the machine marquee didn't change, coins look the same to most... a single collector could easily miss a change like that. But it could not get past all us ParkPennies.com readers! So, you'll find two "Merlin" pressed pennies listed here at ParkPennies.... one is a special treasure! ;-)

ParkPennies.com tries to point out fun little details like these in our guides that give our readers an edge in collecting. For example in just this one guide, on just this one page, you'll find reverse variations and obverse variations. They are here to help you attribute and evaluate coins you find or offer for auction, sale, or trade... and to challenge us all to report a new variation.

Happy Collecting,

The DL0399-01 Pinocchio, Mickey and Geppetto Pressed Penny Set Marquee.
The DL0399-01 Pinocchio, Mickey and Geppetto
Pressed Penny Set Marquee.

DL0399 RETIRED Pinocchio smashed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0399 Retired Pinocchio smashed penny or souvenir coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Pinocchio, walking, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 01/19/07. The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, PINOCCHIO. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0370.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, PINOCCHIO.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire later moved to the Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0399r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, PINOCCHIO smashed penny stampback.
DL0399r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, PINOCCHIO smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, PINOCCHIO reverse. Detail view of the DL0399 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 01/19/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "A". This Pinocchio reverse is exclusive to the DL0399 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0400 RETIRED Mickey Mouse laying back smashed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0400 Retired Mickey Mouse laying back smashed penny or souvenir coin image. © DISNEY, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT Mickey Mouse laying back and smiling. First on-stage 01/19/07. The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT MICKEY MOUSE. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0371.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MICKEY MOUSE.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire later moved to the Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0400r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, MICKEY MOUSE smashed penny stampback.
DL0400r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MICKEY MOUSE smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MICKEY MOUSE reverse. Detail view of the DL0400 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 01/19/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "B". This Mickey Mouse reverse is exclusive to the DL0400 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 DL0401 RETIRED Geppetto playing his concertina smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0401 Retired Geppetto playing his concertina smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT Geppetto playing his concertina, © DISNEY. First on-stage 01/19/07. The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired.
Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, GEPPETTO. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0372.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, GEPPETTO.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire later moved to the Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0401r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, GEPPETTO smashed penny reverse.
DL0401r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, GEPPETTO smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, GEPPETTO reverse. Detail view of the DL0401 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 01/19/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "C". This Geppetto reverse is exclusive to the DL0401 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0402 RETIRED Merlin the Magician smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0402 Retired Merlin the Magician smashed pennyor elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT Merlin the Magician waving his wand over the sword, © DISNEY, no border. Replaced the DL0396. First on-stage 02/09/07. Replaced by the DL0492 April 19, 2011. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MERLIN. See also DL0396 for MERLYN reverse. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0367.0.2 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "2" or second reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MERLIN.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0402r Retired DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, MERLIN stampback.
DL0402r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MERLIN stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, MERLIN reverse. Detail view of the DL0402 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 02/09/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "A". See DL0396 for this coin with a MERLYN reverse. This Merlin Comparison of the DL0396 MERLYN reverse and the DL0402 MERLIN stampback.stampback is exclusive to the DL0402 in this three coin set. Detail close up of the DL0396 MERLYN reverse and the DL0402 MERLIN reverse link on the right. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our Comparison of the DL0396r and DL0402r stampbacks page.
DL0403 RETIRED Sword in the Stone smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0403 Retired Sword in the Stone smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT Sword in the Stone. © DISNEY, no border. Replaced the DL0397. First on-stage 02/09/07. Replaced by the DL0493 April 19, 2011. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SWORD IN THE STONE. The second "R" in RESORT is closed. See DL0397 for open "R" reverse. This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "B". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0368.0.2 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "2" or second reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SWORD IN THE STONE.) Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
LDL0403r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, SWORD IN THE STONE smashed penny reverse.
DL0403r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SWORD IN THE STONE smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SWORD IN THE STONE. Detail view of the DL0403 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 02/09/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "B". This Sword in the Stone reverse is Comparison of the very similar DL0397 open "R" reverse and the DL0403 closed "R" stampback.exclusive to the DL0403 in this three coin set. Detail close up of the very similar DL0397 open "R" reverse and the DL0403 closed "R" reverse link on the right. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our Comparison of the DL0397 and DL0403 stampbacks page.
DL0404 RETIRED Wart (Young King Arthur)smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0404 Retired Wart (Young King Arthur)smashed pennyor elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Wart (Young King Arthur) © DISNEY, no border. Replaced the DL0398. First on-stage 02/09/07. Replaced by the DL0494 April 19, 2011. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, WART. The second "R" in RESORT is closed. See DL0398 for open "R" reverse. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0369.0.2 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "2" or second reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, WART.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0404r Wart (Young King Arthur) smashed penny stampback.
DL0404r Wart (Young King Arthur) smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, WART reverse. Detail view of the DL0404 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 02/09/07 at The Princess Fantasy Faire. Button "C". This Wart reverse is exclusive to the DL0404 in this three coin Comparison of the very similar DL0398 open "R" and DL0404 closed "R" stampbacksset. Detail close up of the very similar DL0398 open "R" and DL0404 closed "R" stampbacks link on the right. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our Comparison of the DL0398r and DL0404r stampbacks page.

The DL0405-406-407 penny press machine taken on 10-23-20210 at the exit to the Main Street Opera
DL0405 RETIRED DISNEY PIN TRADING, AROUND THE World smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0405 Retired DISNEY PIN TRADING, AROUND THE World smashed pennyor elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DISNEY PIN TRADING, AROUND THE WORLD in a double circle with Mickey Mouse in the center and a banner in the background, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 05/03/07. Replaced by the DL0540 which was placed onstage February 28, 2013. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0373.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0405r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT smashed penny stampback.
DL0405r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT reverse. Detail view of the DL0405 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/03/07 in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0406 RETIRED Stitch running smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0406 Retired Stitch running smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT Stitch running, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 05/03/07. Replaced by the DL0505 on June 1, 2011. (Only one die was replaced in this set at that time.)
Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, STITCH. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0374.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, STITCH.) This pressed coin set was originally located in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0406r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, STITCH smashed penny stampback.
DL0406r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, STITCH smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, STITCH reverse. Detail view of the DL0406 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/03/07 in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "B".
This Stitch reverse is exclusive to the DL0406 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 DL0407 RETIRED CRYSTAL ARCADE building smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0407 Retired CRYSTAL ARCADE building smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT CRYSTAL ARCADE building outline. (A Main Street store front at Disneyland) © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 05/03/07. Replaced by the DL0542 which was placed onstage February 28, 2013. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. This pressed coin set was originally located in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "C". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0375.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0407r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT smashed penny reverse.
DL0407r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT smashed penny stampback. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT reverse. Detail view of the DL0405 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/03/07 in the Main Street Opera exit. Button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

Earliest Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Earliest Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA
Nickel Press Marquee
Early Stamped Back Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Early Stamped Back Mickey and Minnie
Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Late Main Street Minnie and Minnie USA Pressed Nickel Machine Marquee.
Late Main Street Minnie and Minnie USA
Pressed Nickel Machine Marquee.
DL0408 RETIRED MAIN STREET U.S.A. pressed nickel or elongated coin image.
DL0408 Retired MAIN STREET U.S.A. pressed nickel or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® , Nifty Nineties Mickey and Minnie Mouse, full length, standing behind logo, MAIN STREET U.S.A., © DISNEY, no border. Image is cent-sized. The DL0251, DL0251a, DL0380 and DL0408, all share the same obverse coin die. However, there are differences in coin grips and stampbacks. The DL0251 with an enhanced coin grip is a DL0251a; add a new reverse and you have the DL0380; change the reverse again and you have the DL0408. This coin is a part of the "Lands Set". Replaced the DL0251a. First on-stage 11/15/06. Replaced by the DL0415 a coin crudely made using the same Main Street USA art work. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. The DISNEYLAND ® PARK reverse is the first Disney reverse ever used by Disney and identifies the DL0251 / DL0251a in this Main Street USA series of pressed nickels. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0238.1.3 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "enhanced coin grip" was added, paired with this coin's "3" or third reverse coin die, Disneyland Resort Type 2.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade on. This coin is from a single play machine. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
See also the DL0380R vs. DL0408R comparison for a very similar, but different reverse and The Main Street USA elongated nickels comparison guide for a comparison between the original DL0251 small coin grip and the identical DL0251a, DL0380, DL0408 large grip pressed nickels and the DL0415 Later Version Main Street Nickel to see a less engaging "CNC" computer engraved version of this coin.
DL0408r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT pressed nickel reverse or elongated coin stampback.
DL0408r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed nickel reverse or elongated coin reverse. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. Detail view of the DL0408, Nifty Nineties elongated nickel reverse. First on-stage at The Main Street Penny Arcade on 05/28/07. (This reverse design replaced a very similar one one. Please see the DL0380R vs. DL0408R comparison.) This coin is a part of the "Lands Set" and is from a single play machine. For similar coins with DISNEYLAND ® PARK reverse please refer to DL0251 and DL0251a. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

The Reverses Make a Difference...

DL0380 Horizontal pressed nickel reverse image.For comparison DL0380r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed nickel reverse and the DL0251-251a "DISNEYLAND ® PARK", the first Disney reverse in the world. The DL0380 "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT" reverse (left) is very similar to the DL0408 reverse was first on-stage at The Main Street Penny Arcade on 11/15/06 and vended from a single play machine. It is also very similar to the first Disney reverse in the world, the "DISNEYLAND ® PARK" which was featured on the DL0251 and DL0251a elongated coins as The DL0251 Main Street Nickel stampback.pictured to the right.

Please also see the DL0380R vs. DL0408R comparison and the Main Street Nickels detail page.

DL0409, DL0410, DL0411 Pressed Coin Marquee
DL0409, DL0410, DL0411 Pressed Coin Marquee
DL0409 RETIRED Dopey rolling upside down,smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0409 Retired Dopey rolling upside down,smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT, Dopey rolling upside down, no inscription, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage at The Fantasia Gift Shop at the Disneyland Hotel on03/29/07 as DR0112. The machine was moved to the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade around 5/31/07. Taken offstage on January 4, 2012 with the closing of the Main Street Penny Arcade for refurbishment and did not return. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DRP0067.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY.) This coin held button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0410 RETIRED Dopey lying down smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0410 Retired Dopey lying down smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT, Dopey lying down with head on hands, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage at The Fantasia Gift Shop at the Disneyland Hotel on 03/29/07 as DR0113. The machine was moved to the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade around 5/31/07. Taken offstage on January 4, 2012 with the closing of the Main Street Penny Arcade for refurbishment and did not return. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT DOPEY. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DRP0068.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY.) This coin held button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0411 RETIRED Dopey, standing smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0411 Retired Dopey, standing smashed pennyor elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT, Dopey, standing, surprised, arm extended, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage at The Fantasia Gift Shop at the Disneyland Hotel on 03/29/07 as DR0114. The machine was moved to the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade around 5/31/07.Taken offstage on January 4, 2012 with the closing of the Main Street Penny Arcade for refurbishment and did not return. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DRP0069.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY.) This coin held button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

DL0409r-411r REVERSE smashed penny reverse.
DL0409r-411r REVERSE smashed penny stampback. Horizontal smashed penny or elongated coin image. Smooth, second generation engraving says DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DOPEY. First on-stage at The Fantasia Gift Shop at the Disneyland Hotel on 03/29/07. The machine was moved to the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade around 5/31/07. This backstamp or reverse image is shared by the DR0112 / DL0409, DR0113 / DL0410, and DR0114 / DL0411 in this three coin set. However, each coin has a slightly different reverse image as each coin has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

DL0412, DL0413, and DL0414 Marquee
DL0412, DL0413, and DL0414 Marquee
DL0412 Chip, running smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0412 Retired Chip, running smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT, Chip, running, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 01/03/07 at the Acorn Gift Shop at the Grand Californian Hotel as the DR0108 and moved inside the Disneyland Park probably on 7/14/07, with added die clash marks, as the DL0412.  Attribution of the DL0412 is confirmed when die clash marks are present below the "© Disney". The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, CHIP. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DRP0065.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "coin die clash mark" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, CHIP.) This pressed coin set was originally located at the Main Street Penny Arcade. (Die was moved from the Acorn Gift Shop at the Grand Californian Hotel.) This is the same die as the DR0106. This coin held button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0412r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, CHIP smashed penny reverse.
DL0412r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, CHIP smashed penny stampback. Smooth, second generation engraving says DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, CHIP reverse. First on-stage probably on Saturday, 7/14/07 at the Main Street Penny Arcade. This is the same die as the previous DR0106. This coin held button "A". This backstamp or reverse image is is exclusive to the DL0412 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 DL0413 MY LUCKY Penny smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0413 Retired MY LUCKY Penny Four Leaf Clover smashed penny or elongated coin image. "e" for Eurolink, DISNEYLAND RESORT, Mouse Ears, horse shoe and four leaf clover, (For three leaf clover see DN0060 and DN0064 or their guide listings in the Disneyland Prototype Pressed Coin Guide.) MY LUCKY PENNY, © DISNEY, no border. Please see also the DN0060, DN0064 and DL00413 comparison. At last, a Disneyland Lucky Penny! First on-stage probably on Saturday, 7/14/07. The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0376.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at the Main Street Penny Arcade. This coin held button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3 or a giant image.

For Comparison: The Comparison of the three "Lucky Pennies", DN0060, DN0064 and DL0413 DN0064 and DN0060 Three Leaf Clover Lucky Penny Prototype Pressed Pennies. Vertical prototype elongated coin image. NO "e" for Eurolink, DISNEYLAND RESORT, Mouse Ears, horse shoe and unlike the onstage version, a THREE leaf clover, MY LUCKY PENNY. ©DISNEY, no border. View their guide listings in the Disneyland Prototype Pressed Coin Guide.
Similar to the onstage four leaf clover DL0413 except of course, these coins feature only three leaves on the clover. No border. Some DN0060 coins are known to have a DISNEYLAND ® RESORT stampback, no DN0064 examples are known to have stampbacks. These DN dies may have been rejected because of the obvious error. Circa 2007.
DL0413r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT smashed penny stampback.
DL0413r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT smashed penny stampback. Smooth, second generation engraving says DISNEYLAND ® RESORT reverse. First on-stage probably on Saturday, 7/14/07 at the Main Street Penny Arcade. This is the same die as the previous DR0106. This coin held button "B". This backstamp or reverse image is is exclusive to the DL0413 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0414 Dale, jumping smashed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0414 Retired Dale, jumping smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT, Dale, jumping with arms in the air, © DISNEY, no border. Same die as the DR0106. First on-stage probably on Saturday, 7/14/07. The machine vending this coin was last located in the Main Street Penny Arcade which closed for refurbishment on 1/04/12 and reopened on 5/02/12 without a single penny press. Although some of the machines, over time, were moved to new locations, this penny press has not been seen since 1/04/12. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DALE. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DRP0064.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DALE.) This pressed coin set was originally located at the Main Street Penny Arcade. (Die was moved from the Acorn Gift Shop at the Grand Californian Hotel.) This is the same die as the DR0108. This coin held button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0414r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT, DALE smashed penny reverse.
DL0414r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DALE smashed penny stampback. Smooth, second generation engraving says DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, DALE reverse. First on-stage probably on Saturday, 7/14/07 at the Main Street Penny Arcade. This is the same die as the previous DR0108. This coin held button "C". This backstamp or reverse image is is exclusive to the DL0414 in this three coin set. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

Earliest Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Earliest Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA
Nickel Press Marquee
Early Stamped Back Mickey and Minnie Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Early Stamped Back Mickey and Minnie
Main Street USA Nickel Press Marquee
Late Main Street Minnie and Minnie USA Pressed Nickel Machine Marquee.
Late Main Street Minnie and Minnie USA
Pressed Nickel Machine Marquee.
 DL0415 RETIRED Nifty Nineties Mickey & Minnie Mouse pressed nickel or elongated coin image.
DL0415 Retired Nifty Nineties Mickey & Minnie Mouse CNC computer engraved pressed nickel or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® , Nifty Nineties Mickey and Minnie Mouse, full length, standing behind logo, MAIN STREET U.S.A., © DISNEY. Image is cent-size. This coin is a part of the The DL0408 Main Street Pressed Nickel"Lands Set". This coin has "line art" rather than three dimensional engraving as seen on the DL0251, DL0251a, DL0380, and DL0408. The DL0415 and DL0432 share the same obverse die with slightly different reverse lettering and placement. (Hey, ParkPennies.com is all about the details!) Replaced the DL0408. Sometimes referred to as the "Main Street Fail" because of the coarse computer engraving style. First on-stage on 9/6/07. Replaced by the DL0432 around 9/20/08. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0377.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade This coins from a three play coin press machine, modified to use just one of the three dies at the time of this coin's introduction. Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3

For comparison the DL0408 Retired MAIN STREET U.S.A. pressed nickel is pictured on the right.
DL0415r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT pressed nickel reverse.
DL0415r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed nickel stampback. Detail view of the DL0415, Nifty Nineties elongated nickel reverse. First on-stage at The Main Street Penny Arcade on 09/06/07. Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3

Comparison of DL0415 and DL0432
For comparison DL0415r vs. DL0432r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT stampbacks. Detail view of the DL0415 and DL0432, Nifty Nineties elongated nickel reverses or stampbacks. Although there are small differences in the "texture" and sharpness of the lettering, the most apparent difference is the placement of the reverse. The newer DL0432 coin has an improved reverse placement nearer the center of the elongated coin reverse. See also our Main Street Nickels Comparison page. Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3

Penny Press Marquee DL0471-473 Pirates of the Caribbean
DL0416-418 Early Pirates of the Caribbean
Penny Press Marquee Sign
DL0416-418 Early Pirates of the Caribbean pressed coin machine marquee
Close-up Marquee Reverse Image
DL0416-418 "Disneyland Resort" Only
DL0460-470 Marquee reverse close up image
Close-up Marquee Reverse Image
DL0468-470 No "Disneyland Resort"
DL0460-470 Marquee reverse close up image
Close-up Marquee Reverse Image
DL0471-473 With "Disneyland Resort"
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0416 Retired skeleton pirate smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, line art image of a skeleton pirate at the ship's helm, © DISNEY, "e" for Eurolink Design Corporation replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot border. This obverse die was used with "Disneyland ® Resort" reverse for the DL0416 from 10/08/07 to ~06/10; with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" reverse without "Disneyland ® Resort" subscript for the DL0468 from 06/22/10 to 06/24/10 (The short two day availability of this coin make it very hard to find.) The "Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ® Resort" reverse was kept on the DL0471 from 06/25/10 until the set was taken offstage to make room for the DL0607-609 60th Diamond Celebration set and did not return after the close of the 60th Celebration. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0378.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located near Le Bat en Rouge Shop in New Orleans Square. Pirate treasure chest themed cabinet. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0417 Retired DEAD MEN TELL NO Tales smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Pirates' logo of a skull over crossed swords. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES, © DISNEY, "e" for Eurolink Design Corporation replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot border. This obverse die was used with "Disneyland ® Resort" reverse for the DL0417 from 10/08/07 to ~06/10; with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" reverse without "Disneyland ® Resort" subscript for the DL0469 from 06/22/10 to 06/24/10 (The short two day availability of this coin make it very hard to find.) The "Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ® Resort" reverse was kept on the DL0472 from 06/25/10 until the set was taken offstage to make room for the DL0607-609 60th Diamond Celebration set and did not return after the close of the 60th Celebration. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0379.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located near Le Bat en Rouge Shop in New Orleans Square. Pirate treasure chest themed cabinet. Button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0418 Retired PIRATE PRINCESS Crest smashed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, PIRATE PRINCESS Crest, © DISNEY, "e" for Eurolink Design Corporation replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot border. This obverse die was used with "Disneyland ® Resort" reverse for the DL0418 from 10/08/07 to ~06/10; with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" reverse without "Disneyland ® Resort" subscript for the DL0470 from 06/22/10 to 06/24/10 (The short two day availability of this coin make it very hard to find.) The "Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ® Resort" reverse was kept on the DL0473 from 06/25/10 until the set was taken offstage to make room for the DL0607-609 60th Diamond Celebration set and did not return after the close of the 60th Celebration. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0380.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located near Le Bat en Rouge Shop in New Orleans Square. Pirate treasure chest themed cabinet. Button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
DL0416-418 Disneyland ® Resort smashed penny stampback.
DL0416r-418r Disneyland ® Resort smashed penny stampback
Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
Larger smashed penny image. Select FRAMES ON at the bottom of most pages  or CTRL click to open in a new tab. Default is a pop-up window!
DL0468r-DL0470r Pirates of the Caribbean smashed penny stampback, scarce.
Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3  
Larger smashed penny image. Select FRAMES ON at the bottom of most pages  or CTRL click to open in a new tab. Default is a pop-up window!
DL0471r-DL0473r Pirates of the Caribbean, Disneyland ® Resort smashed penny stampback
Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1  2  3
For comparison, the DL0416-418r, DL0468-471r and DL0471-473r stampbacks: The three Pirates of the Caribbean pressed penny sets share the same obverses, with different reverses or stampbacks as follows. The DL0416-418 set, 10/08/07 to 06/-/10, used the "Disneyland ® Resort" stampback, the scarce DL0468-470 set, 06/22/10 to 06/24/10, used the "Pirates of the Caribbean" reverse (without "Disneyland ® Resort" subscript), and the DL0471-473 set, 6/25/10 to current, used the "Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ® Resort" stampback. The similar artwork was used by all coins in each set. However, each coin has a slightly different reverse image as each coin has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving.
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DN0063 and DL0419 Comparison imagesDL0419 Retired 2007 Oogie Boogie pressed quarter or elongated coin image. © DISNEY, Oogie Boogie eating a plate of snakes with a fork, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, 2007, DISNEYLAND ® Resort, no border. First on-stage 10/31/07. Retired 01/07/08. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0381.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Court des Anges, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "A". Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1  2  3
View the guide listing for the very similar DN0063, a Giant Image of the DN0063, or Giant Comparison image of the DN0063 and DL0419.
See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0420 Retired 2007 Jack Skellington pressed quarter or elongated coin image. © DISNEY, 2007, Jack Skellington standing in front of a Christmas Tree, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, 2007, DISNEYLAND ® Resort, no border. First on-stage 10/31/07. Retired 01/07/08. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0382.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Court des Anges, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "B". Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0421 Retired 2007 Cyclops pressed quarter or elongated coin image. TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, Cyclops, DISNEYLAND ® Resort, 2007, © DISNEY, no border. First on-stage 10/31/07. Retired 01/07/08. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0383.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Court des Anges, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "C". Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
DL0419-421r REVERSE pressed quarter.

DL0419-421r REVERSE pressed quarter. Vertical smashed quarter or elongated coin image. TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, 2007. See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page. First on-stage at The Court des Anges, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press, on 10/31/07. Retired 01/07/08. This backstamp or reverse image is shared by the DL0419, DL0420 and DL0421 in this three coin set. However, each coin has a slightly different reverse image as each coin has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1  2  3
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0422 Retired 2007 SEASON'S GREETINGS, Mickey pressed nickel image. SEASON'S GREETINGS, 2007 on coin left, Mickey wearing a Santa hat with a bag of gifts over his shoulder, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY, no border, nicely hand engraved image. Same basic design and identical reverse as the crudely engraved DN0065 prototype pressed coin. First onstage on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First accessible to the general public on 12/06/07. Retired 1/07/08. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with large snowflake background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0384.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT large snowflake.) First on-stage at the exit to The Main Street Opera House on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First available to the general public 12/06/07. Retired 01/07/08. Button "A". Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
DL0422r / DN0065r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT with a large snowflake pressed nickel reverse image.
DL0422r / DN0065r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake pressed nickel stampbackimage. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake background reverse. Detail view of the DL0422, Season's Greetings Mickey elongated nickel reverse. First on-stage at the exit to The Main Street Opera House on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First available to the general public 12/06/07. Retired 01/07/08. Button "A". This reverse was also used on the DN0065. Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3 See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0423 Retired 2008 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Minnie Mouse pressed nickel image. HAPPY NEW YEAR!, 2008, Minnie Mouse dancing with confetti in the air, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY no border. Nicely hand engraved. Same basic design and identical reverse as the crudely engraved DN0066 prototype pressed coin. First onstage on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First accessible to the general public on 12/06/07. Retired 1/07/08. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0385.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT confetti.) Button "B". Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
DL0423r / DN0066r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT with confetti pressed nickel reverse image.
DL0423r / DN0066r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti pressed nickel stampback image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti background reverse. Detail view of the DL0423, HAPPY NEW YEAR!, 2008, Minnie Mouse elongated nickel reverse. First on-stage at the exit to The Main Street Opera House on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First available to the general public 12/06/07. Retired 01/07/08. This reverse was also used on the DN0066. Button "B". Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3 See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
 Disneyland Smashed Pennies / Elongated Coins up close in Window #1.
DL0424 Retired 2007 HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Santa Mickey pressed nickel image. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Santa Mickey with bag of gifts over his shoulder, 2007 on coin right, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY no border. Nicely hand engraved image. Same basic design and identical reverse as the crudely engraved DN0067 prototype pressed coin. First onstage on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First accessible to the general public on 12/06/07. Retired 1/07/08. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflake background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0386.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT falling snowflakes.) This pressed coin set was originally located at the exit to The Main Street Opera House. Button "C". Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3

See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
DL0424r / DN0067r DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT with falling snowflakes pressed nickel reverse image.
DL0424r / DN0067r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes pressed nickel reverse image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes in the background reverse. Detail view of the DL0424, Happy Holiday Mickey elongated nickel reverse. First on-stage at the exit to The Main Street Opera House on Walt's 106th Birthday, 12/05/07 at about 11:00PM during the Cast Member Party. First available to the general public 12/06/07. Retired 01/07/08. Button "C". This reverse was also used on the DN0067. Larger pressed nickel image in frame or window # 1  2  3
See also our guide to all Disneyland Seasonal pressed nickels.
Please use this link for an Introduction to the DL Disneyland Park Pressed Pennies Collection and this link for an Introduction to all Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Collection Guides.
Editor's note: We are often reminded that the preferred numismatic term is "Elongated Coins". However, as the rebellious, risk taking, devil may care ParkPennies.com contributors that we are, temptation often gets the better of us. As a result, you may see the more casual, terms like: stamped coins, pressed coins, pressed nickels, pressed dimes, pressed quarters, smashed pennies, flattened pennies, crushed pennies, squashed pennies, rolled pennies, mashed pennies, stamped pennies, smushed pennies, stretched pennies, memory pennies, keepsake pennies, flattened pennies, and souvenir coin medallions to describe these fun pressed coin souvenirs. :-) Here are some pages about the often asked questions of How many pressed coins are at Disney? and How much do pressed coins cost? Just for fun, here is a page with a bit of a different take on Pressed Coins Facts and Fiction with tips on how different coins press, cool pressed coin jewelry, early penny presses... Happy Collecting! Boomer and the folks at ParkPennies.com :-)

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