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"Pressed Pennies"
DL Disneyland ® Park On-stage
Pressed Penny Numbers DL0477 ~ DL0500 © 2010 ParkPennies
"D" is for Disneyland!

D for Disneyland near coin gripSome onstage Disneyland pressed pennies now feature a script "D" for Disneyland! ParkPennies.com readers may recall that the "D" was first noticed replacing the Eurolink "e" on special event dies, engraved inside the park by Disneyland Cast Members. Now even some onstage coins feature this new initial. Rumors suggest that this change is evidence of Disneyland's efforts to return to the "Disney quality" of engraving that has set Disneyland elongated coins apart from "less artistic" pressed pennies.
As collectors and guests have mentioned to ParkPennies.com over the past couple of years, some Eurolink dies appear to have been engraved by a CNC machine rather than the talented hand of Mr. Jimmy Vargas, the well respected engraver for Eurolink Design Inc. We are very happy to see that the Finding Nemo replacement set, DL0477-479 pictured below, features good quality "three dimensional engraving" (high relief devices) ... Thankfully not the controversial, poor quality CNC engraving that has snuck into Disneyland here and there. Still, given Disneyland isn't just any amusement park, we'll side with ParkPennies.com visitors that hope the artistry of Mr. Vargas will eventually return full time to Disneyland elongated coins. (Pictured to the left: New "D" for Disneyland! )
Happy Collecting, Boomer

Disneyland's Resort First and Only
Hand Crank Penny Press

Disneyland's first and only hand crank coin press was briefly placed onstage February 6, 2012. No other hand crank machine was ever placed inside Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure. There were a few hand crank machines placed outside the gates of the parks in Downtown Disney by an outside company or around the Disneyland Hotel back in the days when it was owned by the Wrather Corp. However since 1987, this DL0477-DL0479 people-powered presser has been the first, last and only true Disneyland hand crank penny press. Given Disneyland Resort coin press machines were reportedly turned over to an outside company with many changes taking place post pandemic in 2021, we feel it is unlikely that future guests will ever see a hand cranked penny press like this one. (Unless of course they are browsing ParkPennies.com. :-) Happy Collecting, Boomer.

Early Finding Nemo Pressed Coin Marquee
Early Marquee from electric penny press (Above)
The Hand Crank Penny Press Machine Sign (Below)
(Feat. Bob & Stasi's reflection! :-) 
Everybody wants to be in the picture!

Nemo, The First Disneyland Hand Crank Penny Press Sign
DL0477 Retired Nemo pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0477 Retired Nemo pressed penny or elongated coin image. NEMO, full body, bubbles above, 2 sea stars below, © DISNEY /PIXAR, this update of the original 2003 set features a "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot in place of the original set's "e" for Eurolink Design Inc., dot border. Replaced the very similar, DL0208. First on-stage August 14, 2010. On February 6, 2012, this three die set, the DL0477, DL0478, and DL0479 was placed in Disneyland's first hand crank penny press and moved to the Starcade in Tomorrowland, without any noticeable change to the elongated coins produced. This machine was taken offstage shortly after the hand crank conversion and has not returned. Status unknown. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: (Logo) FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0421.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) First located in the Main Street Penny Arcade, on 02/06/12 moved into a hand crank penny press at the Starcade, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

DL0478 Retired Bruce pressed penny or elongated coin image.DL0478 Retired Bruce pressed penny or elongated coin image. BRUCE, full body, bubbles behind, sea star below, © DISNEY /PIXAR, this update of the original 2003 set features a "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot in place of the original set's "e" for Eurolink Design Inc., dot border. You know, I'm thinking... There is also a Shark named Bruce at Universal Studios Hollywood... Could Bruce be moonlighting? :-) Replaced the very similar, DL0209. First on-stage August 14, 2010. On February 6, 2012, this three die set, the DL0477, DL0478, and DL0479 was placed in Disneyland's first hand crank penny press and moved to the Starcade in Tomorrowland, without any noticeable change to the elongated coins produced. This machine was taken offstage shortly after the hand crank conversion and has not returned. Status unknown. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: (Logo) FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0422.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) First located in the Main Street Penny Arcade, on 02/06/12 moved into a hand crank penny press at the Starcade, button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0479 RETIRED Dory pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0479 Retired Dory pressed penny or elongated coin image. DORY, full body, bubbles above, 2 sea stars below, © DISNEY /PIXAR, this update of the original 2003 set features a "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot in place of the original set's "e" for Eurolink Design Inc., dot border. Replaced the very similar, DL0210. First on-stage August 14, 2010. On February 6, 2012, this three die set, the DL0477, DL0478, and DL0479 was placed in Disneyland's first hand crank penny press and moved to the Starcade in Tomorrowland, without any noticeable change to the elongated coins produced. This machine was taken offstage shortly after the hand crank conversion and has not returned. Status unknown. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, it is believed this set is retired. Reverse: (Logo) FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0423.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, FINDING NEMO ® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) First located in the Main Street Penny Arcade, on 02/06/12 moved into a hand crank penny press at the Starcade, button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0477-479r (Logo) FINDING NEMO® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed penny backstamp or reverse.
D for Disneyland near pressed coin grip

DL0477-479r (Logo) FINDING NEMO ®  DISNEYLAND  ®  RESORT pressed penny backstamp or reverse.DL0477-479r (Logo) FINDING NEMO® DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed penny stampback or reverse. Detail view of the DL0477-479, Nemo elongated penny set reverse. First on-stage 08/14/10 at the Main Street Penny Arcade. "D" For Disneyland vs. "e" for Eurolink Design Inc. and a really nice reverse stampback make the 2010 Nemo set easy to attribute. The DL0477-479 reverse is a representative image of all reverses or stampbacks in this three coin set. However, each coin type in this set will have a slightly different reverse image as each coin type has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

The DL0480-82 Rivers of America Pressed Penny Set Marquee.
The DL0480-82 Rivers of America
Pressed Penny Set Marquee.
 DL0480 Rivers of America Mickey Mouse pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0480 Retired Rivers of America Mickey Mouse pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ® , RIVERS OF AMERICA, Mickey Mouse in silhouette with fishing pole line and fish, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot at the 3:00 O' clock position, opposite the coin grip, dot border. Replaced similar coin without dot border, DL0247. First onstage 9/23/2010. After a very short absence, this set of pressed coins was replaced by the DL0684-686 Best Friends set on August 2, 2018. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND. This machine was taken offstage for about two months. It returned around January 10, 2018 with a new video cabinet and the same coin dies. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0424.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND.) Located on the boardwalk outside Bonanza Outfitters, Frontierland, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0481 Rivers of America Fishin' Mickey pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0481 Retired Rivers of America Fishin' Mickey pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ® , Fishin’ Mickey Mouse in straw hat with fishing pole, sitting on log, casting, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot border. Replaced similar coin without dot border, DL0248. First onstage 9/23/2010. After a very short absence, this set of pressed coins was replaced by the DL0684-686 Best Friends set on August 2, 2018. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND. This machine was taken offstage for about two months. It returned around January 10, 2018 with a new video cabinet and the same coin dies. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0425.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND.) Located on the boardwalk outside Bonanza Outfitters, Frontierland, button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
 DL0482 Rivers of America Mark Twain Steamboat pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0482 Retired Rivers of America Mark Twain Steamboat pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ® © DISNEY, side view of Mark Twain stern wheeler, inscription: "MARK TWAIN RIVERBOAT", © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot at the 3:00 O' clock position, opposite the coin grip, dot border. Replaced similar coin without dot border, DL0249. First onstage 9/23/2010. After a very short absence, this set of pressed coins was replaced by the DL0684-686 Best Friends set on August 2, 2018. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND. See also the similar DN0034 prototype coin without the "MARK TWAIN RIVERBOAT" inscription in our "DN" prototype guide. This machine was taken offstage for about two months. It returned around January 10, 2018 with a new video cabinet and the same coin dies. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0426.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, FRONTIER LAND.)Located on the boardwalk outside Bonanza Outfitters, Frontierland, button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

Rivers of America Frontier Land reverse set number DL0480-482r
DL0480r-482r Rivers of America Frontier Land pressed penny set stampback. First onstage 9/23/2010 on the boardwalk outside Bonanza Outfitters. The DL0480-482 reverse is a representative image of all reverses or stampbacks in this three coin set. However, each coin type in this set will have a slightly different reverse image as each coin type has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

DL0483-485 2010 Nightmarge Before Christmas Pressed Quarter Set Marquee.
DL0483-485 2010 Nightmare Before Christmas
Pressed Quarter Set Marquee.

 DL0483 Retired 2010 Nightmare Wreath pressed quarter or elongated coin image.
DL0483 Retired 2010 Nightmare Wreath pressed quarter or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, HAUNTED MANSION HOLIDAY, 2010, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, Christmas wreath monster, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 10/23/10. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0427.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at Le Bat en Rouge / Port Royal Gift Shop, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "A". First quarter press machine to charge $1.25 at Disneyland Resort, 10/2010. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
DL0484 Retired 2010 Cyclops pressed quarter or elongated coin image.
DL0484 Retired 2010 Cyclops pressed quarter or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, Jack Skellington sitting on a jack O lantern observing a snowflake, HAUNTED MANSION HOLIDAY, 2010, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 10/23/10. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0428.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at Le Bat en Rouge / Port Royal Gift Shop, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "B". First quarter press machine to charge $1.25 at Disneyland Resort 10/2010. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
 DL0485 Retired 2010 Jack & Mickey pressed quarter or elongated coin image.
DL0485 Retired 2010 Jack & Mickey pressed quarter or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Jack Skellington and Zero watching a freighted Mickey Mouse riding in a Doom Buggy, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, HAUNTED MANSION HOLIDAY, 2010, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 10/23/10. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Reverse: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0429.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at Le Bat en Rouge / Port Royal Gift Shop, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Button "C". First quarter press machine to charge $1.25 at Disneyland Resort 10/2010. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Nightmare Before Christmas elongated coin page.
DL0483r-485r & DL0512r-514r Retired smashed quarter reverse or elongated coin image.
DL0483r-485r & DL0512r-514r Retired smashed quarter reverse or elongated coin image. Very similar to the DL0433-435 stampback, but not as clearly engraved. Reads: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. First on-stage 10/23/10 at Le Bat en Rouge / Port Royal Gift Shop, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. Taken off stage 1/13/11. This backstamp or reverse image is shared by the DL0483, DL0484 and DL0485 in this three pressed coin set and the DL0512r-514r as well. However, Each coin type has a slightly different reverse image because each reverse die was individually engraved. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0433-435 Retired smashed quarter reverse image.The DL0483-485 is the first Quarter press at Disneyland Resort to charge $1.25

For comparison, the similar DL0433-435 Retired smashed quarter stampback image. DL0433-435 Vertical smashed quarter or elongated coin image. TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. First on-stage 10/13/08 and taken off-stage 1/11/09 at at The Court des Anges, New Orleans Square in the coffin quarter press. This backstamp or reverse image is shared by the DL0433, DL0434 and DL0435 in this three pressed coin set. However, each coin has a slightly different reverse image as each coin has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed quarter image in frame or window # 1   2   3

The most unusual 2010 Holiday Nickel set marquee.The most unusual 2010 Holiday Nickel set machine.  
The DL0486 and DL0487 were place onstage 12/24/2010
The DL0488 didn't arrive until 1/8/2011. Image date 12/24/2011
The machine was taken offstage on 1/13/2011
A picture taken during the brief time the DL0486-488 Holiday nickel marquee.A picture taken during the brief time the DL0486-488 Holiday nickel machine.
The DL0486 and DL0487 were place onstage 12/24/2010
The DL0488 didn't arrive until 1/8/2011. Image date 1/11/2011
The machine was taken offstage on 1/13/2011
DL0486 Retired Ice Skating Minnie Mouse Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image.
DL0486 Retired Ice Skating Minnie Mouse Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image. HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2010, ice skating Minnie Mouse, snowflakes in the background, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 12/24/10 in the dedicated Disneyland Seasonal nickel machine. Taken off stage 1/13/11. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes in the background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0430.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine which had just two dies installed at first. Button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
Please see also: The Disneyland Seasonal Holiday (Christmas and New Year) smashed nickel collection guide.
DL0486r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes Souvenir pressed nickel reverse.
DL0486r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes Souvenir pressed nickel reverse. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with falling snowflakes in the background. This style of reverse was used in the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, early 2012, and 2013 seasonal nickel sets. This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine which held just two dies the first 16 days. First on-stage 12/24/10. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0487 Retired Daisy & Donald with wreath Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image.
DL0487 Retired Daisy & Donald with wreath Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image. SEASON'S GREETINGS 2010, Daisy and Donald with a large Christmas wreath, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 12/24/10 in the dedicated Disneyland Seasonal nickel machine. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0431.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with large snowflake.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine which had just two dies installed at first. Button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
Please see also: The Disneyland Seasonal Holiday (Christmas and New Year) smashed nickel collection guide.
DL0487r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake Souvenir pressed nickel reverse.
DL0487r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake Souvenir pressed nickel reverse. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with a large snowflake background. This style of reverse was used in the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, early 2012, and 2013 seasonal nickel sets. This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine which held just two dies the first 16 days. First on-stage 12/24/10. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0488 Retired Mickey & Minnie New Year Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image.
DL0488 Retired Mickey & Minnie New Year Souvenir pressed nickel or souvenir coin image. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011, Minnie and Mickey celebrating with bits of Mickey shaped confetti and streamers in the background, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot a the top center of the dot border, dot or bead style border. First on-stage 1/08/11 as a late arrival in the dedicated Disneyland Seasonal nickel machine. Taken off stage 1/13/11 only ~5 days onstage. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti and streamers in the background. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0432.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine as the third die in a three play machine which held only two dies for the first 16 days. Button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
Please see also: The Disneyland Seasonal Holiday (Christmas and New Year) smashed nickel collection guide.
DL0488r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti and streamers Souvenir pressed nickel reverse.
DL0488r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti and streamers Souvenir pressed nickel reverse. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT with confetti and streamers in the background. This style of reverse was used in the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, early 2012, and 2013 seasonal nickel sets. This pressed coin set was originally located at The Main Street Penny Arcade, three play machine as the third die in a three play machine which held only two dies for the first 16 days. First on-stage 1/08/11. Taken off stage 1/13/11. Button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
dl0489-491 pressed penny machine marquee or penny press sign
Early Penny Press Machine Marquee or Sign
without Lands series coin numbers
DL0489-491 pressed pennies
dl0489-491 pressed penny machine marquee or penny press sign
Late Penny Press Machine Marquee or Sign
with Lands series numbers 1 of 8, 2 of 8 and 3 of 8
DL0489-491 pressed pennies

DL0489 Fantasy Land Tinker Bell pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0489 Vending Style Penny Press Machine Fantasy Land Tinker Bell pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® , FANTASY LAND, Tinker Bell with wand, ©DISNEY, classic dot or bead style border, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot. Replaced a similar DL0453 pressed nickel (DL0241 original pressed penny variation) elongated coins that did not feature dot borders. First on-stage 4/12/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (As has been the custom with coins in the Lands Set.) (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0433.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
DL0490 Toontown Mickey Mouse pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0490 Vending Style Penny Press Machine Toontown Mickey Mouse pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® , MICKEY’S TOONTOWN, Mickey Mouse in tux with arms out, standing behind logo, © DISNEY, classic dot or bead style border, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot. Replaced a similar DL0454 pressed nickel (DL0242 original pressed penny variation) elongated coins that did not feature dot borders. First on-stage 4/12/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (As has been the custom with coins in the Lands Set.) (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0434.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
DL0491 Adventure Land Donald Duck pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0491 Vending Style Penny Press Machine Adventure Land Donald Duck pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® , ADVENTURE LAND, Safari Donald head and shoulders with map, standing behind logo, © DISNEY, classic dot or bead style border, "D" for Disneyland replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot. Replaced a similar DL0455 pressed nickel (DL0243 original pressed penny variation) elongated coins that did not feature dot borders. First on-stage 4/12/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (As has been the custom with coins in the Lands Set.) (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0435.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
Rivers of America Frontier Land reverse set number DL0480-482
DL0489r-491r Lands Set pressed penny set stampback. Although a similar reverse has been used on many Disneyland Resort elongated coins, this DL0489-891 reverse was first onstage 4/12/2011 and is a representative image of all reverses or stampbacks in this three coin set. However, each coin type in this set will have a slightly different reverse image as each coin type has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

The DL0492-94 Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Princess Pressed Penny Set Marquee.
The DL0492-94 Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
Princess Pressed Penny Set Marquee.

DL0492 Retired Princess Tiana of The Princess and the Frog pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0492 Retired Princess Tiana of The Princess and the Frog pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, Princess Tiana, ©DISNEY, narrow wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Replaced the DL0402 pressed penny. First on-stage 4/19/11. Removed from stage and the same die returned with a wider wire border as theDL0492a on 10/19/2011. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® Resort, Tiana". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0436.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, TIANA.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Comparison of the DL0492 and DL0492a pressed pennies.Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

To the right: Comparison of the DL0492 and DL0492a pressed pennies.
 DL0492a Retired Princess Tiana of The Princess and the Frog Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0492a Retired Princess Tiana of The Princess and the Frog Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, Princess Tiana, ©DISNEY, wide wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Same die as the DL0492 with wider wire border. Reportedly, the wire border was widened to correct an issue with splintering caused by the partial separation of the thiner wire ring from the coin. Replaced DL0492. First on-stage 10/19/11. Taken offstage around the end of 2012 during preparations to move the Princess Fantasy Faire to Main Street. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® Resort, Tiana". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0436.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, TIANA.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0492r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Tiana pressed penny reverse.
DL0492r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Tiana pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0492 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 04/19/11 at The Princess Fantasy Faire Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Button "A". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
 DL0493 Retired Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Princess pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0493 Retired Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Princess pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, Stylized image of a Princess, BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOUTIQUE, ©DISNEY, narrow wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Replaced the DL0403 pressed penny. First on-stage 4/19/11. Removed from stage and the same die returned with a wider wire border as the DL0493a on 10/19/2011. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0437.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button Comparison of the DL0493 and DL0493a pressed pennies."B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

To the right: Comparison of the DL0493 and DL0493a pressed pennies.
 DL0493a Retired Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Princess Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0493a Retired Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Princess Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, Stylized image of a Princess, BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOUTIQUE, ©DISNEY, wide wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Same die as the DL0493 with wider wire border. Reportedly, the wire border was widened to correct an issue with splintering caused by the partial separation of the thiner wire ring from the coin. Replaced DL0493. First on-stage 10/19/11. Taken offstage around the end of 2012 during preparations to move the Princess Fantasy Faire to Main Street. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ®RESORT". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0437.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® Resort.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button "B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0493r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed penny reverse.
DL0493r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0493 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 04/19/11 at The Princess Fantasy Faire Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Button "B". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
 DL0494 Retired Princess Rapunzel from The Movie Tangled pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0494 Retired Princess Rapunzel from The Movie Tangled pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, Princess Rapunzel, ©DISNEY, narrow wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Replaced the DL0404 pressed penny. First on-stage 4/19/11. Removed from stage and the same die returned with a wider wire border as the DL0494a on 10/19/2011. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® Resort, REPUNZEL". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0438.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, REPUNZEL.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button "C". Larger Comparison of the DL0494 and DL0494a pressed pennies.pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

To the right: Comparison of the DL0494 and DL0494a pressed pennies.
 DL0494a Retired Princess Rapunzel from The Movie Tangled Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0494a Retired Princess Rapunzel from The Movie Tangled Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND RESORT ®, Princess Rapunzel, ©DISNEY, wide wire or line style border, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot. Same die as the DL0494 with wider wire border. Reportedly, the wire border was widened to correct an issue with splintering caused by the partial separation of the thiner wire ring from the coin. Replaced DL0494. First on-stage 10/19/11. Taken offstage around the end of 2012 during preparations to move the Princess Fantasy Faire to Main Street. Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® Resort, REPUNZEL". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0438.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, REPUNZEL.) This pressed coin set was originally located in Fantasyland at The Princess Fantasy Faire, inside the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0494r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Rapunzel pressed penny stampback.
DL0494r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, Rapunzel pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0494 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 04/19/11 at The Princess Fantasy Faire Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Button "C". Larger smashed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

DL0495 Retired Disney BUZZ LIGHTYEAR ASTRO BLASTERS Pressed Penny elongated coin image.DL0495 Retired Disney BUZZ LIGHTYEAR ASTRO BLASTERS Pressed Penny elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® PARK BUZZ LIGHTYEAR ASTRO BLASTERS, Buzz Lightyear, © DISNEY / PIXAR, wire border. No "e" for Eurolink. Same obverse die as the DL0437, very similar to the DL0272 and DL0281 dies. Easily identified by the type III reverse. First on-stage May 4th, 2011. (The previous Type IV reverse changed to Type III on May 4th, 2011, and now conforms to the other coins in this three coin set. Although the DL0495 variation stampback has letters "E" & "A" inside the top star point vice "Y" & "E" as reported by Greg J. 4/2013. ) First on-stage May 4th, 2011, replaced the DL0437 due to reverse change. Replaced by the LGM DL0581 on 6/16/14. Reverse: BUZZ LIGHTYEAR ASTRO BLASTERS, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT. (Type III). (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0397.0.2 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "2" or second reverse coin die, Type III BUZZ LIGHTYEAR ASTRO BLASTERS, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) This pressed coin set was originally located at The Little Green Men Store Command (Formerly the Premier Shop) button "B". Zoom or Compare in window # 1   2   3
View our Toy Story pressed penny comparison page for close up images and more details.
Astro Blasters pressed penny reverse type III.
DL0436r, 438r, 439r, 440r, & 495r (TYPE III) The Third Buzz Lightyear backstamp. DL0436, DL0438, DL0439, DL0440 and DL0495 "Type III" Reverse. Reads "Buzz Lightyear ASTRO BLASTERS, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". This is the third Buzz Lightyear or Astro Blasters reverse. It can be found on the DL0436, DL0438, DL0439 , DL0440 and DL0495 (The DL0495 variation has letters "E" & "A" inside the top star point vice "Y" & "E" as reported by Greg J. 4/2013. ). (The DL0437 reverse image has artwork differences.) See also the hard to find "Type I" reverse and the DL0280-DL0282 "Type II" which do not include "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT".Zoom or Compare in window # 1   2   3 View our Toy Story pressed penny comparison page for close up images and more details. Larger image

NOTE: You may have noticed that because reverse "dies" and coin dies are different in many ways, they are treated differently here at ParkPennies. Guides confirm that unlike coin dies, reverse “dies” often share a single design / artwork "type" pressed onto the reverse of many different elongated coins. When these reverse "dies" are compared to others of the same design "type", often there are slight differences as each is etched or engraved individually. To mix things up even more, it is possible for a set of three nearly identical reverse "dies" engraved on a back shaft and paired with particular coin dies, to be accidentally or intentionally rotated when the penny press mechanism is serviced or repaired. And even more permutations are introduced if a replacement back shaft is installed with facsimiles of the original reverse engravings. Lastly, reverse engravings are also prone to change in appearance over time as they wear, "sink" etc., which can add variations to the same back stamp engravings over time. As you can see, these reverse characteristics could make for a lot of “different” stampbacks of the same design "type". Therefore, our guide attributions give small design variations or changes less weight when observed in reverse "dies" vs. obverse coin dies. A good example would be the many 50th Anniversary stampbacks. There are as many individual reverse "dies" or engravings as there are coins in the 50th set, each with slight variances in placement, depth, and texture. Yet all share the same artwork / design, i.e. without intentional differences in design, and are considered one “generic type” for the purposes of listing in this guide.
DL0496-498 pressed penny Lands Set machine sign
Early Penny Press Machine Marquee or Sign
from May of 2011 without series coin numbers
Guide number DL0496-498 pressed pennies
DL0496-498 pressed penny Lands Set machine sign
Penny Press Machine Marquee or Sign
from August of 2011 with Lands series numbers
4 of 8, 5 of 8, & 6 of 8 Guide numbers DL0496-498
Early Lands Set pressed penny sign for the DL0244-246
The Earliest "Lands" Set
Penny Press Machine Marquee or Sign
from 2004-9 DL0244-246 pressed pennies
DL0496 New Orleans Square Pirate Goofy pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0496 Vending Style Penny Press Machine New Orleans Square Pirate Goofy pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT , NEW ORLEANS SQUARE, Pirate Goofy, waist up, with spyglass, standing behind logo, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot, dot border. A similar design pressed penny, the DL0245 without any border or stampback, was taken off stage in April of 2009. May have replaced the DL0444. First onstage 5/15/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0439.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
 DL0497 Frontier Land Guitar Playing Mickey pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0497 Vending Style Penny Press Machine Frontier Land Guitar Playing Mickey pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT , FRONTIER LAND, Cowboy Mickey, waist up, with guitar, standing behind logo, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot, dot border. A similar design pressed penny, the DL0244 without any border or stampback, was taken off stage in April of 2009. May have replaced the DL0445. First onstage 5/15/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0440.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button B ". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
DL0498 Tomorrowland Astronaut Pluto pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0498 Vending Style Penny Press Machine Tomorrowland Astronaut Pluto pressed penny or elongated coin image. DISNEYLAND ® RESORT , TOMORROWLAND, new Tomorrowland logo and Astronaut Pluto, behind logo, © DISNEY, "D" for Disneyland near the center of the gripper slot, dot border. A similar design pressed penny, the DL0246 without any border or stampback, was taken off stage in April of 2009. May have replaced the DL0446. First onstage 5/15/11. Reported missing post-COVID-19 closure (3/14/2020 - 4/30/2021) and returned mid-June 2021 changed from a cost of 50 cents to $1.00 per coin, accepting only dollar bills or a credit card for a full set of three coins, and automatically supplying the coin to be vended. (Although the coin designs did not change, you may no longer press "your own penny" in this machine.) Reverse: "DISNEYLAND ® RESORT". On November 28, 2024 this coin was reported as the replacement for the DL0508 Brer Fox Lands Set coin. This DL0496-498 machine at the same time was reported offstage. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0441.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT.) Originally located in the Penny Arcade on Main Street. Then moved across the street to the Opera House exit on 1/5/2012 when the arcade closed for refurbishment, button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disneyland pressed penny "Lands set" guide page.
DL0496r-498r Lands Set pressed penny set reverse.
DL0496r-498r Lands Set pressed penny set stampback. Although a similar reverse has been used on many Disneyland Resort elongated coins, this DL0496-498 reverse was first onstage 5/15/2011 and is a representative image of all reverses or stampbacks in this three coin set. However, each coin type in this set will have a slightly different reverse image as each coin type has a separate and slightly unique reverse engraving. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

Tron Disneyland penny press machine marquee
Tron PENNY Press with Quarter Pay Marquee
New Tron token marquee 5/1/2013
Tron TOKEN Press Marquee with Token Pay as of 5/01/2013
8-23-2013 Tron penny press marquee
Tron PENNY Press Marquee with Token Pay as of 8/23/2013

DL0499 Retired Tron Light Runner Narrow border pressed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0499 Retired Tron Light Runner Narrow border pressed penny or souvenir coin image. Tron Light Runner, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the narrow wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0499(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0499a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0499at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0499a(p). (The DL0499a(p) and DL0499at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0442.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "A". After a long absence, this machine Comparison of the DL0499 and DL0499areturned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button "A". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set, the Pressed Tokens Guide, and the Tron "Pressed Penny Pins" set.

To the right: Comparison of the DL0499 and DL0499a pressed pennies.
DL0499a Tron Light Runner Wide border pressed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0499a Retired Tron Light Runner Wide border pressed penny or souvenir coin image. Tron Light Runner, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wide wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0499(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0499a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0499at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0499a(p). (The DL0499a(p) and DL0499at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0442.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "A". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0499r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER pressed penny stampback.
DL0499r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0499 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/20/11 at The Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "A". This LIGHT RUNNER reverse is exclusive to the DL0499 in this three coin set. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0499at Retired Tron Light Runner Wide border pressed token or souvenir coin image.
DL0499at Retired Tron Light Runner Wide border pressed token or souvenir coin image. (Game tokens are pressed in place of coins and also used for machine payment.) Tron Light Runner, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wide wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0499(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0499a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0499t. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0499(p). (The DL0499(p) and DL0499at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) On about 8/22/13 this token press was returned to a penny press using tokens only for payment. The previous elongated cent guide number, DL0499a, will apply. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0442.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER.) Originally located at Main Street token Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street token Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank token press. Button "A". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set.
DL0499at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER pressed token stampback.
DL0499at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT RUNNER pressed token backstamp. Detail view of the DL0499at elongated token reverse. After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button "A". This LIGHT RUNNER reverse is exclusive to the DL0499at in this three coin set. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0500 Retired Tron's Sam Flynn Narrow border pressed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0500 Retired Tron's Sam Flynn Narrow border pressed penny or souvenir coin image. Sam Flynn, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the narrow wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0500(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0500a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0500at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0500a(p). (The DL0500a(p) and DL0500at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0443.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "A". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button Comparison of the DL0500 and DL0500a"B". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

To the right: Comparison of the DL0500 and DL0500a pressed pennies.

See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set, the Pressed Tokens Guide, and the Tron "Pressed Penny Pins" set.
DL0500a Tron's Sam Flynn Wide border pressed penny or souvenir coin image.
DL0500a Retired Tron's Sam Flynn Wide border pressed penny or souvenir coin image. Sam Flynn, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wide wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0500(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0500a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0500at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0500a(p). (The DL0500a(p) and DL0500at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0443.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "B". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0500r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM pressed penny stampback.
DL0500r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0500 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/20/11at The Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "B". This SAM reverse is exclusive to the DL0500 in this three coin set. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
DL0500at Retired Tron's Sam Flynn Wide border pressed token or souvenir coin image.
DL0500at Retired Tron's Sam Flynn Wide border pressed token or souvenir coin image. (Game tokens are pressed in place of coins and also used for machine payment.) Sam Flynn, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wide wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0500(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0500a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0500at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0500a(p). (The DL0500a(p) and DL0500at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) On about 8/22/13 this token press was returned to a penny press using tokens only for payment. The previous elongated cent guide number, DL0500a, will apply. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0443.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM.) Originally located at Main Street token Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street token Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank token press. Button "B". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set.
DL0500at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM pressed token stampback.
DL0500at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, SAM pressed token backstamp. Detail view of the DL0500at elongated token reverse. After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button "B". This SAM reverse is exclusive to the DL0500at in this three coin set. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
 DL0501 Retired Tron Light Cycle Narrow border pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0501 Retired Tron Light Cycle Narrow border pressed penny or elongated coin image. Tron Light Cycle, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the narrow wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0501(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0501a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0501at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0501a(p). (The DL0501a(p) and DL0501at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0444.0.1 obverse elongated coin die in its original "0" state / variation, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "A". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade Comparison of the DL0500 and DL0501aon 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button "C". Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

To the right: Comparison of the DL0501 and DL0501a pressed pennies.

See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set, the Pressed Tokens Guide, and the Tron "Pressed Penny Pins" set.
 DL0501a Tron Light Cycle Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image.
DL0501a Retired Tron Light Cycle Wide border pressed penny or elongated coin image. Tron Light Cycle, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wire border. Same die as the DL0501 with wider wide wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0501(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0501a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0501at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0501a(p). (The DL0501a(p) and DL0501at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0444.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE.) Originally located at Main Street Penny Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street Penny Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank penny press. Button "C". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set.
DL0501r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE pressed penny stampback.
DL0501r DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE pressed penny stampback. Detail view of the DL0501 elongated penny reverse. First on-stage 05/20/11 at The Main Street Penny Arcade. Button "C". This LIGHT CYCLE reverse is exclusive to the DL0501 in this three coin set. Larger pressed penny image in frame or window # 1   2   3

 DL0501at Retired Tron Light Cycle Wide border pressed token or elongated coin image. DL0501at Retired Tron Light Cycle Wide border pressed token or elongated coin image. (Game tokens are pressed in place of coins and also used for machine payment.) Tron Light Cycle, small Disney logo, TRON LEGACY, © DISNEY, with a "D" for Disneyland near the top center of the wire border. First on-stage 05/20/11 as guide number DL0501(p). The machine was offstage for a short time while the coin die's grip or "notch" was enlarged and returned to stage as the DL0501a(p) on 10/19/2011. After a long absence, this machine returned on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney coin presses modified to press game tokens in the USA as coin number DL0501at. Cents could no longer be pressed. Then, on August 21, 2013 this machine began pressing pennies again as the DL0501a(p). (The DL0501a(p) and DL0501at share the same obverse and reverse coin dies. Their engraved images are the same, only the coins / tokens they press are different.) On about 8/22/13 this token press was returned to a penny press using tokens only for payment. The previous elongated cent guide number, DL0501a, will apply. Reverse: DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE. (This Disneyland pressed coin number made with the possibly now canceled #DLP0444.1.1 obverse elongated coin die in the first modification or "1" state / variation after the "heavier wire border" was added, paired with this coin's "1" or first reverse coin die, DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE.) Originally located at Main Street token Arcade. This was one of the machines that was removed from the Main Street token Arcade when the arcade was remodeled in 2011-2012. From around 5/14/2012 to 10/14/2012, it was relocated at the Starcade in the same location that had been briefly occupied by the Nemo hand crank token press. Button "C". After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. A remodel of the Starcade removed all penny press machines and walled off the arcade in early February 2015. Given this coin die, in any variation, has not returned to the Starcade or any other location in the park in months we believe, based on a preponderance of the evidence, they ain't coming back. Therefore, we have noted them as retired in February of 2015. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
See also the Disney California Adventure, DCA Tron pressed dime set.
DL0501at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE pressed token stampback.
DL0501at DISNEYLAND ® RESORT, LIGHT CYCLE pressed token backstamp. Detail view of the DL0501at elongated token reverse. After a long absence, this machine returned to the Starcade on 5/1/2013 as one of the first three Disney token press machines in the USA. Button "C". This LIGHT CYCLE reverse is exclusive to the DL0501at in this three coin set. Larger pressed token image in frame or window # 1   2   3
Please use this link for an Introduction to all Disneyland Park Pressed Coin Collections and this link for an Introduction to all Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Collection Guides.
Editor's note: We are often reminded that the preferred numismatic term is "Elongated Coins". However, as the rebellious, risk taking, devil may care ParkPennies.com contributors that we are, temptation often gets the better of us. As a result, you may see the more casual, terms like: stamped coins, pressed coins, pressed nickels, pressed dimes, pressed quarters, smashed pennies, flattened pennies, crushed pennies, squashed pennies, rolled pennies, mashed pennies, stamped pennies, smushed pennies, stretched pennies, memory pennies, keepsake pennies, flattened pennies, and souvenir coin medallions to describe these fun pressed coin souvenirs. :-) Here are some pages about the often asked questions of How many pressed coins are at Disney? and How much do pressed coins cost? Just for fun, here is a page with a bit of a different take on Pressed Coins Facts and Fiction with tips on how different coins press, cool pressed coin jewelry, early penny presses... Happy Collecting! Boomer and the folks at ParkPennies.com :-)

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