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12/15/19 Our thanks to Ralph X. and Jimmy in Hong Kong for reporting several new Shanghai Disneyland Resort pressed souvenir vending machines ("Penny" Presses). Looks like this has been a busy month for SDR collectors! Please see the SDR Shanghai Disneyland Resort Pressed Souvenirs News Page for details. Happy collecting, Boomer

Haunted Mansion Quarter Coin Press  Marquee 12-12-201912/12/19 Our thanks to Jessica T. and Jon G. who were the first to report the NEW HAUNTED MANSION 50TH ANNIVERSARY PRESSED QUARTERS!!!! It's located at the Port Royal in New Orleans Square in the good old coffin coin press machine. Pictures and descriptions soon in the The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guides. Happy collecting, Boomer

12/09/19 Our thanks to Ralph X., who again shared a most welcome update for the pressed souvenir vending machines at the SDR. Ralph reports that two machines were updated at the World of Disney, Disneytown, Shanghai Disney Resort. (Four new coins in each of the two eight-play machines, eight coins in total.) Plus these two World of Disney machines plus one machine at Intergalactic Imports, Tomorrowland, Shanghai Disneyland now vend GOLD colored "pennies" instead of the copper ones. Ralph also has shared images of the new SDR machine marquees.

2019 Disneyland Resort Holiday Pressed Coins12/05/19 Here are the images lots of visitors have requested of The 2019 Disneyland Resort Holiday Pressed Coins . Our thanks to the readers that shared their pictures... Kelly, Bob, Mike, and Larry. We plan to have the Disney California Adventure Pressed Coin Guide (Guide Numbers CA0262, CA0263, and CA0264) and the The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guides (Guide Numbers DL0699, DL0700, and DL0701) updated soon... I hope to see you at the park. Best of the Season and Happy Collecting, Boomer.

12/04/19 New Pressed Pennies!Our thanks to Chuck N. and Laura P. for reporting the arrival of the 2019 DISNEYLAND HOLIDAY NICKELS!!! They are located in the Main Street Penny Arcade... more to follow. Happy collecting! Boomer.

 DCA 2019 Holiday Pressed Nickel Machine Marquee 12/02/19 New Pressed Pennies! Disney California Adventure Holiday Nickels! The long awaited, very popular DCA Holiday nickels are now onstage at the Kingswell Camera Shop (temporarily occupying the Finding Dory coin press). We have updated the Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF and will be updating the Disney California Adventure Pressed Coin Guide soon. HAPPY COLLECTING! Boomer.

12/01/19 The Folks at ParkPennies are very thankful for the honor of being awarded the 2019 TEC Presidential Merit Award.

11/23/19 A DN0001 Mickey Rays has just been offered on eBay for $4,000.00 / best offer by a former Centek executive. To the best of our knowledge, this coin has rarely been offered for sale and even then was only offered privately between very advanced collectors. A few of us may recall that occasionally other Disneyland prototype elongated coins, not thought to be as scarce as the DN0001, have sold for more than $3,000.00. Given the DN0001 is acknowledged as the earliest of all Disney prototype elongated coins and is rarely seen... we had to share the news. :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

11/09/19 I try not to post unless there is some news... But, it's really been slow lately! Didn't want you to think that our last post isn't still the latest... Lots of rumors of more coins for DLR. But, nothing has been placed onstage since the DCA 2019 nickel set, so far. Maybe something soon? Holiday Nickel Sets for DL or DCA? Haunted Mansion Set for the 50th? You know we'll post it here ASAP. If you spot a new machine first, please contact Boomer to share your find. And a BIG THANK YOU for sharing ParkPennies in social media posts. Word of mouth is our only advertising. It really makes our day when we see our humble website is worthy of mention. Happy collecting, Boomer. [Edited 11/22/19 to upgrade some horrible grammar to our usual bad grammar standard. :-)]

Disneyland Pressed coin Collector Walt Disney World pressed coin DT000310/18/19 A new DT0004 pressed coins were reported yesterday by the well-known collector Mark B. They are a replacement for the limited and very similar DT0002 "Disneyland / Pressed Penny Collector / 2019 / Walt Disney World" and DT0003 "Disneyland / Pressed Penny Collector / 2019 / Walt Disney World" coin dies. The new DT0004 design is easily distinguishable from the DT0003 set because of the brush or script Disney-style lettering vs. the Kingdom or Old English Disney-style lettering used on earlier 2019 coins. We've updated the ParkPennies.com DT Don Cade Tribute Coins Guide to include this latest issue. Happy collecting, Boomer.

10/04/19 Several collectors have asked if / when a Disneyland 2019 nickel set or the Disneyland and DCA Holiday Nickel Sets might be placed onstage. There still is no official word that we've heard. Even the rumors and bits we hear from people in the know are still very vague. As longtime collectors know, this link to all The Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Holiday Nickel Sets since 1995 has the dates Holiday sets have been placed onstage and taken offstage and provides some speculative guidance about when the Holiday coins might arrive this year. Understandably, some collectors are waiting until all sets are onstage before renewing Annual Passports or spending big bucks for entry into the parks. We hear you... As always, we'll post here as soon as we have more news. If you have any news to add, as always please contact Boomer to share your most welcome report with fellow collectors. You will receive named credit as the first to report it... or you may have it posted annoy-mousely. Happy Collecting, Boomer.

DCA 2019 Pressed Nickel Set10/02/19 Our thanks to Cathy P. for being the first to report the NEW 2019 NICKEL SET! The set was just placed onstage today and is located at the Jolly Trolley Treats in Disney California Adventure. It's a very nice video based three-play nickel press machine with an excellent, bright, video display show... still priced at only 75 cents plus the nickel to be pressed before your eyes! The coins feature Pie-Eyed Mickey, Pie-Eyed Minnie and Pluto dated "2019" and each features an excellent California Adventure reverse. (As pressed coin collectors know, stampbacks, that often include the coin's park location, are a special "plus" that has been featured on DLR pressed coins since 2004.) The Guide Numbers for these new coins are CA0259, CA0260, and CA0261. The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF has already been updated and the Disney California Adventure Pressed Coin Guide will be updated soon. Happy Collecting! Boomer.

Pressed Penny Facts and Fiction, which coins to press?8/28/19 Not many new machines at the park lately. So, we've had time to add or update a couple of pages. We hope you'll like them. The page additions were inspired by ParkPennies emails from fellow collectors and based on tips and notes we've collected over the years. They cover things I wish I had known when we first started collecting Disney pressed coins back in the 1980s... The University of Hard Knocks can be an expensive education! :-) Thankfully fellow collectors helped us out over the years. The two pages we updated are: Tips on How to Clean a Pressed Penny with a companion page, Tips on How to Flatten a Curved Pressed Penny. We also recently started a new page on Pressed Pennies Facts and Fiction: Do all coins press alike? Hopefully there is something that will be of interest to you or something you might share with another collector. As always, please contact Boomer to submit your most welcome additions to any page. By the way, thank you again for sharing links with friends and on social media to (y)our ad-free, nothing for sale, by collectors and for collectors hobbyist website... ParkPennies.com :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

2019 D23 Expo pressed penny machine marquee.8/24/19 New 2019 D23 Expo marquee picture added... Advanced Collector, Alex D. asks "Why does it say Walt Disney World on the marquee?". Hmmm.... indeed the D23 Expo penny press marquee at the Anaheim Convention Center, inside the walls of the 2019 D23 Expo, walking distance from The Disneyland Resort, does read: "TURN YOUR OWN PENNY INTO A WALT DISNEY WORLD SOUVENIR". Well, to the credit of D23, they had a very cool penny press, the elongated coins do not say "Walt Disney World", and it is not a credit card machine vending zinc cents! Yes folks, I did have to count to 10 and re-edit this post more than once. :-) Happy collecting, Boomer in Anaheim, home of The Anaheim Convention Center and The ORIGINAL DISNEYLAND RESORT! ;-)

UPDATE 8/23/19
: The well-known longtime Disney pressed coin collector, Aprille C., just shared an update about the D23 pressed coin machine... and some pictures! She reports the coins are currently free to press and cents are offered by D23 if you do not have your own. However, the line is long and you are permitted to press only one coin per turn. (As we understand it, a single set of the three different coins would require waiting in line three times!) -If you have additional pictures of the D23 pressed coin machine / marquee / sign / crowd, to share here with fellow collectors, please contact Boomer. Happy collecting, Boomer.

D23 2019 Penny Press Stage Courtesy of D23.com8/23/19 NEW MACHINE FOR D23 Confirmed! Our thanks to Aprille C. for being the first to report a rumored machine for D23 earlier this week and to Don C. for positive confirmation today. Based on Aprille C's report and D23.com's post that follows here, it appears the machine is in... "The D23 Gold Member Fan Lounge, located at the back of Hall B, is a hideaway exclusively for D23 Gold Members. Just present your D23 Gold Member Card (or sign up to be a D23 Gold Member at D23 Expo 2019), and enjoy all the perks! There are charging stations for your phone, places for you to recharge, and exclusive giveaways to grab.". Image of the D23 coin press stage from D23.com. This set of D23 2019 coins will be listed in the ParkPennies Cast Member and Special Events Guide as CM0055, CM0056, and CM0057.

8/04/19 Fellow collector, Eric Thomas of Bad Llama Group, has added a new website to complement his highly rated Pressed Coins at Disneyland Android Phone and Pressed Coins at WDW Android Phone Apps. The new Bad Llama Group website is: https://badllamagroup.wixsite.com/website. Eric's site offers a forum as well as a direct line to Eric. Please do check it out. Happy collecting, Boomer.

8/01/19 Randy K. reports that the Star Wars pressed quarter machines are back onstage at the Starcade. We didn't notice any changes in the coins. We did heard that the machines were in need of some TLC / preventative maintenance which could be the reason for their absence. By the way, ParkPennies has plans to add a Disneyland "Star Wars" pressed coin page for those collectors that would like to build a specialized collection of Disneyland issued pressed coins with a Star Wars theme. Although there are not many coins in that category now, given the new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge land, we have A New Hope. :-) The future ParkPennies Star Wars Pressed Coin page will have guide numbers, years of issue and pictures to help in your search and organization... Happy collecting, Boomer.

7/21/19 Several machines are off-stage. Such as the two Star Wars machines at the Starcade, the boardwalk machine in Frontierland... all are over due to return. However, we've kept them listed on the Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF as current because we believe, at least for the time being, that the machines are off-stage for preventative maintenance and will return. But, if there is confirmation that the machines / coin sets will not return, or the return with new coin designs, we will as usual post here, update the guides and the coin location page. If you spot a new machine / coin design at the Disneyland Resort please contact Boomer to share and see your name here in print. :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

7/14/19 Our thanks to Ricky K. and others who alerted us to a redirect of this web site. Thankfully, it didn't affect your most appreciated blog links to ParkPennies only some referral / search page links. I think it's fixed now. (Kind of like painting a bridge. When you've painted from one end to the other, it's time to start over again! :-) Happy collecting, Boomer. PS: Boomer is going crazy looking for a new coin press machine! Okay, I should have said crazier! :-) Maybe there will be something soon.

7/01/19 ZZZZzzzZZzzzz... Please see 6/06/19 post below.

6/06/19 Greetings! It's been a longtime since our last post... Nothing has happened to write about so far. But, based on the latest rumors, we are hopeful that there will be a new machine(s) at the Disneyland Resort this summer. Vague I know, but, it's all I got so far. :-) Do check back often. We're always looking, listening, and spying! :-) If you spot a new coin press machine first, please contact Boomer to share the news with fellow collectors and see your name in print here for the find. :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

5/19/19 Fellow collector, Eric Thomas of Bad Llama Group, has released a complement to his highly rated Pressed Coins at Disneyland Android Phone App. The newest app is The Pressed Coins at WDW Android Phone App. These apps are a *major* undertaking and Eric surely has our thanks for doing so much to share this wonderful hobby. Please do check it out these apps if you are looking for a way to keep pressed coin collection and machine locations info on your android phone(s). Happy collecting, Boomer.

5/05/19 Our 3/29/19 "Boomer's got to vent!" post brought some emails that may be of interest to people that love pressed coin machines or look forward to sharing the hobby with friends and future generations. One ParkPennies visitor mentioned a recent news article about New $1 Magic Kingdom Machines on the excellent PressCoins.com pressed coin web site. Another comment dated May 1, 2019 reads: " The collecting of [Florida Amusement Park] elongated coins took a very different route today. This morning three new machines were put on stage. Two are 4-die machines and have new designs but they are now $1.00 a coin. The third "new" machine is at the Tomorrowland Speedway. It is the old machine that was always there but it has now been modified to take dollars or credit cards instead of quarters. The machine originally took 2 quarters and a penny and you got your pressed cent. Now you pay a dollar and you get a pre-loaded shiny new [zinc] penny. You no longer can use your own penny. This is the first that have come out....". Also: " ... I know many machines nation-wide now have gone to $1.00 a penny. I thought that [Florida Amusement Park] might hold the cost for collectors. Now I am interested to see how this works out, will collectors or casual collectors pay the dollar or will there be kickback about the doubling of the price. I am glad to hear that Disneyland is hold at 51 cents for the collectors.". [ParkPennies edits]
As longtime readers know, ParkPennies tries to avoid "commentary". But, we feel we must to preserve this wonderful hobby. I can only imagine the pressure Disneyland is under to follow other amusement parks. So, please do say thanks to the good folks at The Original Disneyland Resort. Your comments to Cast Members when you visit the park or when you post on social media lets them know you appreciate their preservation of Disney-land tradition, show, and this wonderful hobby. Per our 3/29/19 comment "... we do encourage fellow collectors and guests to voice their opinions directly to amusement park web sites or via social media. Often top management people see and appreciate guest feedback..." Happy Collecting, Boomer and the folks at ParkPennies.

Mary Poppins pressed penny machine marquee buttons 4-8-20194/08/19 NEW PENNY PRESS! Our thanks to Mike T., Mike R. and Boomer for reporting the latest Disneyland Park pressed coin machine. It's themed "Mary Poppins" and features three silhouette images of Mary Poppins and excellent stampbacks! You'll find this machine at the Main Street Penny Arcade. The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guides will be updated soon. Do print a copy or download a copy of our Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF on your smartphone for the latest locations of all Disneyland Resort area pressed coin machines. Happy collecting! Boomer.

Ant-Man and Wasp HKDL pressed coin set marquee sign4/01/19 New Ant-Man Wasp pressed penny set at Hong Kong Disneyland! Our thanks to Jimmy in Hong Kong for reporting this new set. The Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guide will be updated soon. Happy collecting, Boomer.

3/29/19 Sorry, Boomer's got to vent! We hear lots of complaints about "credit card" penny presses that vend poorly pressed zinc cents for $1.00 or 8 for $5.00. Rest assured, we share your frustration and we hear you loud and clear. Disney fans in California are lucky. The Original Disneyland Resort has always had "the real thing", pressed coin machines that provide the "show" that generations of visitors have enjoyed since 1987. Disneyland machines were the first Disney machines to press your own coin or token before you eyes, present an excellent souvenir, a priceless memory, and they still do. Not to mention the cost of pressed coins at Disneyland is still a bargain! But, we know all too well that some parks have gone astray. So, readers write to us in hopes we can help. We are flattered. But, sadly we have no say over decisions made by "Florida amusement parks". However, we do encourage fellow collectors and guests to voice their opinions directly to amusement park web sites or via social media. Often top management people see and appreciate guest feedback. Matter of fact, even when you like what management is doing, I think they appreciate hearing from you. ;-) Happy collecting, Boomer. Thanks for reading. I feel better now. :-)

3/26/19 Kuniaki Hiraki's excellent Tokyo Disneyland Resort English language web site has moved! The new address is: http://torapooh.main.jp/index_e.htm. It's the same site we all know, just a URL change. So, please update your bookmarks so you won't miss out on his major work in sharing this wonderful hobby. Happy collecting, Boomer.

Provost Park Pass YouTube Videos!3/14/19 Just Uploaded! Disneyland penny pressing adventure filmed inside the park! Chris says it all about the latest production: "Today on Provost Park Pass Chris presses his very first pressed penny. Pressed Pennies are amazing Disneyland souvenirs. This was one of our most requested videos!!" Boomer has long enjoyed Chris's YouTube Channel. But, this video has to, of course, be one of Boomer's favorites! Enjoy Chris's newest video and his contagious Disneyland penny pressing enthusiasm! :-) Do I sound too excited about this video?? Impossible! It's all about Disneyland Pressed Pennies!!!! :-) Happy collecting, Boomer and the Folks at ParkPennies.

3/11/19 Rumors are building... Boomer is pacing... a few machines are off-stage possibly for installation of new coin designs... Check back often for updates. We'll post here as soon as a new machine is confirmed onstage. Disneyland has a lot of penny press machines... But, if you spot a new machine or have an update for Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF please contact Boomer to share the news and get all the credit! :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

Don Cade Disney Inspired Pressed Coins2/17/19 A new DT0003 pressed coins were reported today. They are the replacement for the limited and very similar DT0002 "Disneyland / Pressed Penny Collector / 2019 / Walt Disney World" pressed coins that came to an end when the die shaft shattered in 2018. The new DT0003 set is easily distinguishable from the DT0002 set because of the "Pressed Coin Collector" in place of the earlier "Pressed Penny Collector" and the missing dots before and after the words "Disneyland" and "Walt Disney World", as well as a slightly changed border. We've updated the ParkPennies.com Don Cade Tributes Guide to include this latest issue. -Edits, additions and corrections were made to this post 2/17/19 and 10-10-2020. Happy collecting, Boomer.

1/26/19 When White Water Snacks was closed for remodeling in September of 2018, we listed the penny press machine located there as "Closed", "Inaccessible" with the hope the machine would return when the snack shop reopened. However, when White Water reopened on January 18, 2019, the coin press machine was absent. We are *assuming* that the DR0147-149 elongated coin set is retired and have noted that "We will presume for now that this set of coins has been "retired"" in the ParkPennies guide. On the bright side, there are a few machines in the DLR that were taken offstage, a great sign that new pressed coin sets may be planned! :-) The Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF has been updated. Happy collecting, Boomer.

1/20/19 Recently the "Best Friends Forever" Pixar Fest themed penny press machines were taken offstage at the Main Street Penny Arcade and the boardwalk in Frontierland, Disneyland. A most welcome anony-mouse report today confirmed the machines have not returned. Given the coins were dated 2018 and had Pixar Fest stampbacks, we believe these six coins, the DL0684-689, are retired. The Disneyland Pressed Coin Guide and the newly improved with larger print :-) Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page (PDF) have both been updated. Happy collecting, Boomer.

1/10/19 The Nightmare Before Christmas machine is also now retired. We've updated the Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF already.

1/8/19 The Holiday pressed nickel sets are now offstage / retired in both Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure as the Disneyland Resort Holiday Season came to an end for 2018 /2019 on Sunday, January 6, 2019. The The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guides have been updated.
Also, 2019 has already brought new admission prices... A one day pass for one adult for both parks (Park Hopper), now costs $154.00 to $199.00 depending on the day, parking $25.00. Boomer remembers when his "good every day of the year with premium parking" annual pass cost $125.00. Yep. He's old... and starting to talk in third person... I think he er ah I need to spend a few leisurely days at the park and unwind, before my pass expires! :-) Don't forget, you can still collect all the "DR" Disneyland Resort Hotels and Downtown Disney pressed coins outside of the gates of Disneyland and DCA without paying admission! And the cost of pressed coins at Disney is a bargain! (The ParkPennies Pressed Coin Machine Pages has a section of machines accessible without paying admission.) Happy collecting, Boomer.

The 2018 Disneyland Holiday Nickel Set! 1/2/2019.1/2/19 NEW HOLIDAY PRESSED NICKEL MACHINE AT DISNEYLAND!! Our thanks to Mike R. who reported the machine was probably placed onstage overnight. The machine features a video marquee which plays both video and sound. The pressed nickel images are of Mickey, Minnie, & Donald all with Disneyland Holiday stampbacks. We've updated the Disneyland Resort Area Pressed Coin Machine Locations Page PDF already. The The ParkPennies Disneyland Resort Pressed Coin Guides will be updated soon. Happy Collecting! Boomer.

1/1/19 Our thanks to Alex, Lou, Anastasia, Bob, Char, Stan, Mike, and Ed to name just a few of the many ParkPennies readers who have shared their coin machine searches with fellow collectors here at ParkPennies over the past week. Although as of this morning, there is still no report of a Holiday Nickel machine at Disneyland Park, we have reported a nice one at Disney California Adventure and the "Holidays at the Disneyland Resort" will continue until January 6, 2019... So, Boomer ain't givin' up hope! If you spot a new coin press machine first, please contact Boomer to share the news and get all the credit. :-) Happy collecting, Boomer.

1/1/2019 HAPPY NEW YEAR! :-)

Previous Pressed Penny News Page Link 2018 and earlier NEWS HERE!

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