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01/01/10 18 more incredibly nice coins were placed on stage at Tokyo Disneyland today! Artwork, engraving... well just take a look for yourself. Here is a link to Kuniaki's excellent web site. We have also added them to top of the last Tokyo Disneyland Monthly update page here at ParkPennies.com.

Example of the excellent
engraving quality found at
Tokyo Disneyland
pressed penny from Tokyo Disneyland
View thousands of
Tokyo Disneyland
"pressed penny"

12/28/09 I'd like to mention a neat elongated coin web site, GatherEC.com, that you might like to check out / bookmark. It's by and for collectors and run by a longtime ec collector that shares our hobby in a big way. Enjoy! (GatherEC.com can be found on our Links Page also.)
12/28/09 Several hard-to-find Disneyland pressed coins are up for auction by a well known longtime collector. Do check out these and other Disneyland pressed coins linked to ParkPennies.com by fellow Parkpennies visitors. Will the Grand Californian Chip N Dale coin return for 2010? We'll post it here. Do bookmark this page for updates. Happy collecting and happy new year from the folks at ParkPennies.com.
12/22/09 It's that time of year again! Boomer and "staff" want to take time to say we are thinking of you and hope you will have a wonderful Christmas too. Thank you for visiting this humble site and sharing this wonderful hobby with friends and... future friends over the past years. smile penny
Next coin rumored to arrive... Chip N Dale at the Acorn Gift Shop in the Grand Californian Hotel early 2010?
12/22/09 Kuniaki Hiraki in Tokyo again writes us with news of New Tokyo Disney Store "pressed pennies"! There were 12 more released recently. Read the news and see Kuniaki's pictures on the December Japanese Disney pressed pennies page.
11/20/09 Wow! It's almost Thanksgiving day?!
We would like to thank you for all your help in making this humble home-made hobbyist site a success. We have no advertising budget, except for our lowly free penny offer. sad penny But, because of your visits and links to ParkPennies.com, we have welcomed a record number of visitors this year. It is our goal to return your visits and generous support with even better news and guides for 2010. Thank you! happy penny
11/18/09 Some nice coins are being auctioned by ParkPennies.com visitors. Among them, a well known collector has a DL0225 and some other hard to find coins up for auction. (A copper DL0002!, a set of DalmatiOns! etc.) Do check them out.
11/13/09 The dated pressed nickels have arrived for the 2009 / 2010 season! Although they do not have borders, this year's nickel set features some nice hand engraving and stampbacks! The new, apparently dedicated seasonal nickel machine, has a well themed cabinet, a solid mechanism, and even plays a sound clip. Very cool! Also, a new set of Tinker Bell pressed quarters arrived!
Both machines were placed on stage late Thursday, possibly after the park closed, at the Main Street Penny Arcade, Disneyland USA. (We're sure, because Boomer has been pacing the Disneyland park most every day this week anxiously awaiting the arrival of this year's seasonal nickels.) The latest reports state that the machines were pressing beautifully.

11/04/09 Reports from a good friend in Japan confirm Christmas coins are onstage already. No word of any new coins at Disneyland USA yet. However, word is that the highly popular Seasonal pressed nickels will return for the 14th consecutive year. Boomer is already fumbling through his change gathering new nickels and lots of quarters!
11/02/09 Again, and just like clockwork, Tokyo Disneyland has placed the November Coins of the Month onstage. More information and images from Kuniaki in Japan on the Tokyo Disneyland Pressed Penny News Page.
11/01/09 An advanced Disneyland elongated coin collector friend just brought to my attention the auction of possibly the most beautiful elongated coin I've ever seen! smile penny No, I'm not talking about the Winchester House ec!
I'm told the auctioned coin is a retired blank back ParkPennies.com coin. Our current, free pressed penny has a stamp back "Happy Collecting". If you missed the blank back version, this auction is a chance to get one.
11/01/09 There are currently more than 200 Disney pressed penny auctions that have linked to this ParkPennies.com reference site. Many of them are harder to find coins, some are excellent examples of coins that would make nice "upgrades" for advanced collectors. All linked via the ParkPennies.com visitor auctions page. Do take a look.
10/29/09 The machine offering this coin coin has moved! The machines new location is:Tiffy's Family Restaurant, 1060 W Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92802. (Near Katella and Disneyland Way, across from CoCo's.) If you don't have this coin yet, you may want to stop in and press a few. This machine has been moved from the Tropicana Hotel Mini Market , 1540 South Harbor Blvd. Across from the Disneyland main entrance, no telling how long the dies will remain unchanged.

The DW0031 listed in the
DW Disneyland Wannabe
Pressed Penny Collection Guide
DW0031 Disney-related pressed penny. "You are here!"
Tiffy's Family Restaurant
1060 W Katella Ave
Anaheim, CA 92802

10/19/09 Have a bit of time to surf the 'net? Maybe it's a good time to take a look at the newest coins at WDW? Here's a link to James Mayfield's Walt Disney Pressed Coins site and his, unsurpassed WDW pressed penny machine maps.
10/16/09 There is an exceptionally good selection of over 230 eBay auctions of Disney elongated coins up currently. Lots of older, retired Tokyo Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Disneyland Anaheim coins. All linked via the ParkPennies.com visitor auctions page. Do take a look.
10/06/09 We have just received a list of thirty-some additional Disney Store Japan "pressed pennies" that have been released recently. We will add them to the guides as soon as we can obtain examples for scanning. More info on the Tokyo Disneyland "Pressed Penny" news page.
10/02/09 Several Tokyo Disneyland Guides have been updated and Kuniaki has sent us pictures of the latest Tokyo Disneyland "pressed pennies". Links and more info on the Tokyo Disneyland "Pressed Penny" news page.
09/27/09 On behalf of ParkPennies.com and the readers that have contacted us, our thanks to the Disneyland Pressed Penny Team. There have been many changes and challenges over the past year or two at the park. However, the NBC machine was right on time and working great. Several collectors have mentioned to ParkPennies how impressed they are with the quality of the coin engravings and the machine's availability on first day of the Halloween celebration. Boomer is very optimistic about this year's anticipated Seasonal Nickel Set!
09/25/09 Another Disneyland set! The Nightmare Before Christmas elongated quarters for 2009 are onstage at Le Bat En Rouge in New Orleans Square! This 2009 dated elongated quarter set is nicely hand engraved with three dimensional details and fine, legible print, complemented by nice theming and artwork! The matching stampbacks are unchanged from last year's NBC's. View the coins and details in the DL Disneyland pressed penny guide or the Nightmare Before Christmas detail page. (Sorry, our scans don't do these coins justice.)
09/23/09 As regular visitors to this site will recall, rumors about the arrival of the traditional Nightmare Before Christmas quarter set have been circulating for some time now. Matter of fact, it has gotten to the point that Boomer is pacing the floor! As you know, that's a sure sign that either something is a brewing... or someone has stolen Boomer's chair? sad penny Do bookmark this page, check back often, the NBC set is usually placed onstage in October. We will be posting updates.
Have some news? Contact ParkPennies.com

The 2009 Facilities & Operations
Cast Member Appreciation
Bar-B-Que Pressed Token!
CM0027 Disneyland Cast Member
Pressed Penny Collection Guide
Cast Member pressed token! The back side of... Cast Member pressed token!
Images courtesy of a very kind Anony-Mouse Contributor

09/17/09 Late Night Update: NEW Cast Member coin! The 2009 CM0027, is a pressed token very similar to the 2008 CM0026. (View the CM0026 at the bottom of this Cast Member Elongated Coin guide page.) The CM0027, like the CM0026, was available only to attendees of the Cast Member Appreciation Bar-B-Que which was held this year on September 17th. Based on early reports to ParkPennies, the number of distributed tokens that could have been pressed in the machine at the event, was less than 200, "probably around 150". Updates, scans and guide entries to follow on Friday... I hope.
09/17/09 Boomer says there is Bar-B-Que in the air!? We are checking out this rumor... update to follow. If you have some additional information about this event, or a confirmation, please contact Parkpennies.com.
09/16/09 Here are pictures of the cool new nickel variations that we reported on 9/15/09. I was very happy to see this opportunity for collectors to press nickels in this machine before the dies are retired. Not just because elongated nickels are a favorite of many collectors, but, some advanced collectors thought that when this machine left stage last month, it would not return. After all, most "two pin" Eurolink dies have been replaced recently with new, stronger, "four pin" dies. These "two pin" dies are not only survivors, but have a new life!

Nickel Variations for only 80 cents each!
Listed in the Disneyland Elongated Coin Guide
Guide numbers are DL0453-455.
(New die numbers because of added stampbacks.)
DL0453 Tinker Bell pressed nickel Disney pressed penny back stamp
DL0454 Mickey Mouse pressed nickel Disney pressed penny back stamp
DL0455 Donald Duck pressed nickel. Disney pressed penny back stamp
These coins are nickel variations of the
DL0241-243 penny set with added
"Disneyland ® Resort" stampbacks!

09/15/09 It's true! Our complements to the folks at Disneyland! An older three-play penny press featuring Tinker Bell Fantasy Land, Mickey Mouse Toontown, and Donald Duck Adventure Land, has been upgraded to a nickel press. Reverses have also been added that read "Disneyland ® Resort". This "nickel variation" should put the machine back at the top of many Disney elongated coin collectors want list. You can press a set at the Main Street Penny Arcade for 75 cents each, plus a nickel. I'm thinking this Disneyland first will make lots of nickel collectors and The Mou$e very happy. smile
Here's a link to the updated Disneyland elongated coin guide with pictures.
09/15/09 BREAKING NEWS! Another Disneyland first. A PENNY press is now pressing NICKELS! Location, scans etc. later today. (This report is one that needs scans to be believed.)
09/12/09 Over 140 Disney elongated coins, some that you don't see very often, are currently up for Ebay auction by fellow ParkPennies.com visitors.
09/11/09 It has been slow at Disneyland, really s l o w. So, why not take a look at James Mayfield's WDW PressCoins.com today? His web site is so nice, it's well worth a visit just to see the cool visuals! Of course, Boomer spends all his time there looking at PressCoins fantastic online collection of Walt Disney World elongated coins. smile
09/10/09 Some nice coins are currently for auction by fellow ParkPennies.com visitors. Just click on the "Visitor's Auctions" button at the top of this page...
08/24/09 A new Tokyo Disneyland 2010 Duffy calendar with a "pressed penny" was reported on Kuniaki's web site! We will be adding it to our Tokyo Disneyland Guide soon.
08/24/09 Recently, we were made aware of someone who has found yet another way to masquerade as "ParkPennies". This time via social networking sites. (Longtime ParkPennies.com readers will remember that our domain name(s) were "typosquated" by an online seller of pressed pennies.)
Although our sites are still safe for visitors, and offer nothing for sale, occasionally we are contacted by people who thought they paid us for an order and want to know why the items are late. This makes both the hobbyist and our web site victims. So, please be careful, nowadays there are people on the 'net that will represent themselves as "Pay Pal", "Chase Bank" or even ParkPennies. sad
08/01/09 The Tokyo Disneyland Coins of the Month for August have arrived! Please see the Tokyo Disneyland News page. Soon, we will be updating the Tokyo Disneyland "Pressed Penny" Guides. And to all the very nice folks that have asked about Disneyland USA Coins of the Month in every way there is... when, if, and why not... I got nothin'. You'd think, given a pair of ears like that, (sorry Mickey) they'd hear the collectors and guests? But, so far, nothing more than the occasional rumor that Disneyland was considering a coin of the month series like the extremely popular Tokyo Disneyland Coins of the Month. No official mention so far.
07/24/09 LOTS of updates to the Tokyo Disneyland Guides. The guides are all current less the last six coins issued on July 17, 2009. We'll add those shortly. For more about Tokyo Disneyland elongated souvenirs, please see the Tokyo Disneyland News page and the Tokyo Disneyland "Pressed Penny" Guides.
07/22/09 More than a few people have been asking about the Splash Mountain penny press. Just a quick note to let you know that it's back onstage in the exit to the Splash Mountain attraction. If you missed the coins when they were last onstage and need a set, you now have yet another reason to visit Disneyland. smile penny
07/21/09 Bet you have wondered why there were no new coins reported at Tokyo Disneyland for more than a WEEK!? Well, six more coins at the Tokyo Disneyland Resort arrived on the 17th. We hope to have scans soon.
07/18/09 Our thanks to the well known pressed penny collectors, Don, William, and Benjamin B. who just shared with fellow ParkPennies.com readers that there is a new four die machine at The Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store in Hollywood, CA! They also sent scans of the coins. Boomer will add them to the Disney Off-site pressed pennies guide soon. Nice find!
07/18/09 Lots of us collect pennies from the places we have visited... Here is a link to where you can get a free* pressed penny to remember your visit to ParkPennies.com! penny smile All you need do is send a self addressed stamped envelope. Limit one per address.
07/13/09 Lots of new Tokyo Disneyland entries in the TDL, TDR, JDS and TDS guides. More to come.
07/13/09 Stanley has just sent pictures and reports that there are 30 new HKDL magical coins! We're sorry to report, still no new coins to report at Disneyland USA.
07/09/09 Another day and SEVEN MORE TDR "pressed pennies"! Yes, seven new Tokyo Disneyland Hotel First Anniversary souvenirs! Check out pictures courtesy of Kuniaki Hiraki in Tokyo Japan via the link on the Tokyo Disneyland pressed penny news page.
07/06/09 The TDR Tokyo Disney Store issued 8 more new coins July 4th! Check out pictures courtesy of Kuniaki Hiraki in Tokyo Japan on the TDR July souvenir medals of the month page. (Anniversary issues with a 9 year logo)
07/04/09 HAPPY 4th of JULY! Tokyo Disneyland has issued 30+ new coins so far this month! Check out pictures courtesy of Kuniaki Hiraki in Tokyo Japan on the TDR July souvenir medals of the month page.
MouseEars, a welcome anony-Mouse contributor to the ParkPennies.com news page writes: "There will be no Chip and Dale pressed penny this year. Due to changes at TDA and other circumstances...this project has fallen off the drawing board. Concentration will now be on new presses in conjunction to DCA rehabs." Hmmm... Looks like Boomer is going to be spending some extra time looking for machine changes at DCA! Do say "Hi" if you spot him.
06/21/09 Those updates we promised are here! They are not much. But, you know, when there are so few new coins at Disneyland over such a longtime, even a small change can be big news! sad penny
Investigation of the machines that were taken offstage and returned recently, revealed the World Of Disney Store "Ducks" machine has a new set of stampbacks as does the Stitch quarter press at the Main Street Penny Arcade. Both changes appear to be from replaced back shafts, rather than redesigned stampbacks. So, casual collectors may be happy with the original coins... Yes, I know, if you want every single Disneyland elongated coin that's why you are surfing ParkPennies.com! penny smile
06/17/09 We just added a Disney Stores, Japan pressed penny guide and hope to have a Disneyland USA guide update by early next week. The park has been extremely crowded... all looking for the 2009 Chip N Dale penny? Sorry, not yet. Matter of fact, there are some wondering if we will even have a Seasonal pressed nickel set this year?! As always, we will post news about these traditional penny press machines and others as received. Check back often.
Have some news to share? Contact Boomer anony-mousely.
06/07/09 Thanks for visiting today and especially for mentioning ParkPennies.com on your favorite blogs and web sites. When we see a link or mention of ParkPennies.com, it makes our day! Oh, before I forget, do check out the ParkPennies.com visitor auctions today. There are more than 100 Disney elongated coin auctions just on eBay. A few of the coins people have asked us about recently. Also, ExonumiaAuctions.com has been known to offer Disney elongated coins from time to time too. So, don't miss out, check them out, there may be a coin you're looking for.
Are you about to auction a Disney pressed coin? Why not link your auction and share it with ParkPennies.com visitors? It's free!
6/04/09 There are a few minor adds waiting to be made to the Disneyland Guide. Once the last of the missing machines are returned, we'll look for any other changes and update the guides.
As of today, Boomer has caught up with the free pressed penny requests. If you mailed in for a ParkPennies.com pressed penny recently, it should be waiting for you at your mail box soon. And... No, the Chip N Dale 2009 coin has not arrived yet. You know we love to hear from fellow collectors, but, no need to email or write us. We will post the arrival of Chip N Dale 2009 elongated coin in big bold letters as soon as we know it's at the park.Happy penny
05/16/09 The latest official word from Disneyland, on April 10, 2009, was "Coming soon: Chip N Dale 2009". Although the 2009 Chip N Dale coin is still not on stage, collectors have been looking for it and hope to see it soon. As many collectors and even some regular hotel guest know, the Grand Californian dated Chip N Dale coins are favorites, maybe even a tradition. Emails to ParkPennies often, very often, ask when the coin will be onstage. (Not that it's late or anything. sad penny ) We are of course watching for the coin's arrival and will post here as soon as we see it onstage.
Collectors may want to also keep an eye open for arrival of a rumored "Celebration" themed set of pressed pennies. Because this set is based on the celebration theme, throughout the Disneyland Resort, the coins could appear at most any resort location. We hope to see them this summer, in a place that is easy to find. But, as you may know, there has been a lot of reorganization at the Disneyland Resort lately, things are uncertain.
If you have some Disney pressed penny news to share or spot a new coin, be the first to share the news and receive a priceless reward... our thanks! penny smile
05/02/09 An interesting group of off-planchet Disneyland elongated coins is up for sale on ExonumiaAuctions.com by Elongatedtraveler, a well known Disney collector. Do take a look; just open the ParkPennies visitor auctions page and click on the ExonumiaAuctions.com auction site logo.
05/01/09 TWENTY SEVEN yes, 27 more neat new medals at TDR! Read about them on the Tokyo Disneyland News Page.
04/24/09 More Tokyo Disneyland coins! (Spring Carnival Tinker Bell and Minnie) If you haven't seen their exceptional engraving quality, do take a look at the April "pressed coins" from Tokyo Disneyland and the special collector sets like the Tokyo Disneyland Coins of the Month series.
04/16/09 FORTY FIVE yes, 45 more neat new medals at TDR! Read about them on the Tokyo Disneyland News Page and see them on the April Tokyo Disneyland Medals page. Thanks to Kuniaki Hiraki, owner of the excellent Kuniaki Hiraki TDL web site.
04/13/09 FIVE more neat new medals! Read about them on the Tokyo Disneyland News Page and see them on the April Tokyo Disneyland Medals page. Thanks to Kuniaki Hiraki, owner of the excellent Kuniaki Hiraki TDL web site.
04/11/09 DL pressed penny guides and the Disneyland pressed penny machine location guides have been updated with the new Bolt set. Do tell your friends you heard it first at ParkPennies.com. happy penny
04/10/09 As foretold by Aprille C. on 3/22/09, a cool Bolt themed pressed penny set has arrived! Press a set a the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade. (DL Guide entries and numbers to follow.)

NEW Bolt Pressed Pennies are Here!
Listed in the Disneyland Elongated Coin Guide
Guide numbers are DL0447-449.
DL0447 Bolt pressed penny Disney pressed penny back stamp
DL0448 Mittens pressed penny Disney pressed penny back stamp
DL0449 Rhino pressed penny. Disney pressed penny back stamp
This set features 3-D hand-engraved look
with named characters and Disneyland Resort logos
front and back! No borders, but nice coins.

04/06/09 Disney's Pedro, The Baby Airplane, and Disney's The Little House have been themes for Tokyo's Coins of the Month. If you don't recall the animated shorts from more than 50 years ago, you can view them on our Tokyo Disneyland News Page via video links. Yes, I know, it's slow this week!
04/04/09 Kuniaki Hiraki has generously sent both news and pictures of the latest Tokyo Disneyland coins of the month. The details are on the Tokyo Disneyland pressed penny news page.
03/30/09 Aprille C. emailed me with a link to news posted by Dizpins Joette on DizPins.com. According to the post, Timm Lundeen has been let go as a result of the Disney reorganization. Timm, as many pin traders know, is a most respected Disney Ambassador in the world of the very profitable Disney pin trading hobby and had recently taken over major Disneyland penny press machines responsibilities as well. Readers may voice their support of Timm via the addresses and links posted on the DizPins.com web site. ParkPennies.com was very sorry to hear this news. We hope the best for Timm as well as the pin and penny collecting hobbies that have lost him. ParkPennies.com email to Timm received a reply via auto responder, "I am sorry I am unable to answer your e-mail....".
03/26/09 Reviews of the Disneyland Mountains anniversary set, shown below, have been good. We've heard positive comments about the anniversary theme, deluxe dated stampbacks, and finely detailed three dimensional hand engraving. One or two concerns were voiced that the images and text could have been larger. True, nickels and tokens are available and would have provided more space, but most likely at a higher price e.g. nickels .80, quarters $1.00-1.25, Tokyo Disneyland style tokens $1.00-1.25, a substantial increase from the 51 cents charged by Disney for pressed cents. (Some vendors we have noticed are now charging as much as $1.00 for a pressed penny!) What are your thoughts? Larger images on larger coins, nickels, quarters, tokens... or stick with cents? Send an email or anony-mouse message to ParkPennies.com. We want to hear from you.
03/23/09 Recently I placed an order for a set of pressed pennies with an online pressed penny company I've known for years. The folks there were, as always, above and beyond fair and friendly to me. If you'd like to check them out, here is a link to PennyCollector.com probably the largest online elongated coin store.
03/22/09 Aprille C., The February, 2005 ParkPennies.com Collector of the Month and longtime elongated coin collector, reported that she heard from "The Mouse" that there are three Bolt elongated coins expected soon. Also, a Celebrate set is planned and eventually a new Chip N Dale coin is expected for the Grand Californian! Our thanks to Aprille!
03/21/09 A big thank you to longtime friend and well known elongated coin collector, Jim T. who emailed ParkPennies.com with his find of a NEW PENNY PRESS MACHINE at the Disneyland Main Street Penny Arcade!
The new penny set features Disneyland "Mountain" Anniversaries, Matterhorn's 50th, Thunder Mountain's 30th and Splash Mountain's 20th. Engraving quality is... well, better than recently issued WDW coins. sad penny People often ask us why current Tokyo Disneyland issues are so nice and why Disneyland coin quality seems to have gotten weaker. True, the obverses of the coins in this set have some very hard to read inscriptions, the images are primarily shallow line drawings, and there are no borders. But, there are some areas of three-dimensional engraving to help redeem them and they have very nice stampbacks! Each reverse in this set memorializes a Mountain Anniversary, is dated, and easy to read. As you can see, Disneyland stampbacks seem to be getting better and better. Matter of fact, I'll bet some collectors will be tempted to place these coins in their collections with the stampbacks facing up. Of course, Boomer wants to have two sets, one with the images showing and the other showing these cool stampbacks! penny smile

NEW Mountain Anniversary Pressed Pennies are Here!
Listed in the Disneyland Elongated Coin Guide
Guide numbers are currently provisional.
DL0444 Matterhorn pressed penny Matterhorn pressed penny back stamp
DL0445 Big Thunder Mountain pressed penny Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Anniversary pressed penny back stamp
DL0446 Splash Mountain pressed penny. Splash Mountain Anniversary pressed penny back stamp
For the first time, a coin set that may have
reverses as nice as the obverses.

03/19/09 All guides are up to date with the latest coins, including the Tokyo Disneyland Coins of the Month and the Tokyo DisneySEA Coins of the Month. Cool collections with excellent engraving and art! Do check them out. More TDL news on The Tokyo Disneyland News Page.
03/17/09 Nothing yet... While we're waiting for some news about Disney pressed coins, why not enjoy some DarkBeer?
03/02/09 Kuniaki Hiraki has generously sent both news and pictures of the most recent Tokyo Disneyland coins. The details of his most recent report are on the Tokyo Disneyland pressed penny news page.
02/27/09 Over a hundred auctions are currently linked by fellow parkpennies visitors, many are buy-it-now auctions. Could be a coin you are looking for? See them here.
02/25/09 We are most appreciative to Joyce who forwarded a recent Yahoo Groups email message to us. We surely miss our friends on "The List" and welcome the occasional update. I believe the forwarded email post was from a thread that focused on the movement / replacement of penny press machines and dies at WDW. However, in the forwarded thread message a well respected collector mentioned how such moves have also resulted in Disneyland sets with frustrating non sequential guide numbers. We understand this is distracting for those who collect coins by sets of three rather than collecting by individual coin. I hope to share via this post how the replacement of a single die / coin from a set of three is treated in the ParkPennies.com guides with an open ear to your suggestions.

As advanced collectors of Disney elongated coins will tell us, most Disney penny presses feature three "segmented" dies* which facilitate the exchange of a single coin die from the set of three when desired. I believe that option combined with the fact that changes rarely get past Disney elongated coin collectors are the reasons our guides have occasional non sequential "machine set" numbers, an event we acknowledge is not common to most non Disney collection / location guides.

Our policy: When a single coin die in a set of three is replaced by a new die because the existing die wore out, cracked, required a revision, was exchanged with a die from another park, or was abducted by aliens, we treat the replacement die the same as any other new die. We assign an appropriate guide number to it, (unavoidably causing the numbers in the set to be non sequential) add it to the appropriate guide / collection and often include a long winded explanation of the coin's previous life with a cross reference if applicable. The replaced die, now removed from the machine, is entered as "retired" if applicable. I must leave the determination of a set of three coins with one new replacement as new or old to others. :-)

About the movement of dies / machines from one Disney park / gate to another. It is very rare, but, does happen. Of course, moving a die does not result in a "retired coin" or a "new coin" since it has only moved. So, accordingly, our guides will show the moved die as moved to or from with a cross reference. Because ParkPennies.com guide numbers are both descriptive and chronological we will assign an appropriate guide number to it, add it to the appropriate guide / collection, and often include a long winded explanation of the coin's previous life if applicable. The coin will of course not be available at the old location, but, the ParkPennies.com guides reference the old location and the new location. Cross referencing and entry as "moved" rather than "retired" help keep collections accurate, complete, and avoid duplication. Do keep in mind, if the replacement die came from an adjacent park, some collectors, who collect coins from both parks, might just note the cross referenced coin in their collection in lieu of an additional coin.

As you can see, our guide numbering system is designed to provide exclusive, descriptive, chronological coin / die guide numbers for each and every coin die while avoiding the possible confusion, duplication, or omission of any coin. But, we know it isn't perfect(!) So as long as there is imagination left in the world... we will enthusiastically welcome your suggestions for modification / improvement of the ParkPennies.com guides.
*Machines that feature multiple engravings on a single "ring" die, to date, have only changed complete image sets.
02/19/09 Tina K. reports that the penny press at the Grand Californian is still missing the Chip N Dale coin. MouseEars(?) states that this delay is evidence of a change or need to change penny press vendors? One thing for sure, there are lots of folks eagerly waiting to press some 2009 Chip N Dale coins as soon as the machine arrives. Dated coins, like the Chip N Dale series, have proven to be very popular with park visitors as well as collectors who see them as a fun stand alone pressed penny collection, like Disneyland's seasonal nickel set and Tokyo's coin of the month series. Bookmark this page and check back for news about the hoped arrival of this machine and... maybe another that has been rumored.
02/13/09 No. Maybe. But not yet. crazy!
02/11/09 Fellow collector, Richard O. just reported the return of the Haunted Mansion quarters which have taken the place of the 2008 Nightmare Before Christmas quarters. We'll update the guides and machine location lists soon. Our thanks to Richard for the update.
02/11/09 No reports of new coins at the Anaheim park today. But, given the rumors and traditions, a 2009 Chip N Dale coin should show up before too long at the Acorn Gift Shope. If you spot it first, do let us know.
02/07/09 Fellow Disney elongated coin collector Ricky reports to ParkPennies.com that yesterday (2/6) at 5:00 the Grand Californian penny machine, located inside the Acorn Gift Shop, was back in place. Sadly, there's no 2009 Chip 'n Dale penny. The other 2 Grand Californian hotel pennies are there, but spot B is blank. ParkPennies.com speculation is that a replacement for the 2008 Chip N Dale coin is planned, but, late?
02/07/09 We've updated the Tokyo Disneyland Coins of the Month guide and the Tokyo DisneySea Coins of the Month guide. Do check them out, they make a very cool collection!
02/04/09 Our thanks to MouseEars? for the anony-mouse message today. It was in reply to our post of 02/02/09 asking if there were ever ID tags at Disney parks. The message states that ID Tags are under consideration for Disneyland, but are "on the back burner". So, we're guessing there hasn't been a machine at Disneyland Anaheim in the past. sad Possibly Tokyo Disneyland? Do write us if you've seen one from any Disney park.
02/03/09 Six NEW Coins at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. Pictures courtesy of Stanley in Hong Kong. See them on the Hong Kong Disneyland News page.
02/02/09 Every once in a while we hear from a ParkPennies.com visitor asking about ID tag machines at Disneyland. Now we have heard of tag machines at other amusement parks. But, I don't think there has ever been one at Disneyland(?) If you know of an ID tag machine currently at any Disney park or can send a scan of one, please let us know. I think I may start another collection! If you are new to tags, here is a link to GetIDTags.com they have pictures of the machines and some sample tags. (The machine engraves names or phases of your choice to order, sorta like a medal stamper.)
02/02/09 Coins of the month and more from Tokyo Disneyland all on the Tokyo Disneyland pressed penny news page.
02/02/09 We are flattered when visitors share breaking news first posted on ParkPennies.com with other penny collector web sites and email groups. That's what ParkPennies.com is all about. However, often the people reading those posts would also be interested in other news and guide information offered here and not know ParkPennies.com was the news source. So, when possible, to help others find our humble, no budget for advertising, non-commercial web site, we would appreciate a mention of or a link to www.ParkPennies.com when you share ParkPennnies.com content. It makes our day when we see them and motivates us to ferret out even more Disneyland pressed penny collector news and tips. Boomer's easy terms of use.
01/30/09 A new 2009 DW Pressed Penny Collection coin, was placed on site Thursday! This is a replacement for the 2008 coin, with the other two coins unchanged in the $.51 three-play machine located at the Harbor Cove Mini Mart at the Tropicana Hotel, 1540 South Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, across from the Disneyland Resort main entrance. (Open 7AM to 1AM) The machine is pressing coins beautifully. Do stop in, press a few coins and say hi to the nice folks at the the location. Maybe even walk down to the Castle Gate Gift Shop at the Castle Inn, 1734 S South Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, across from the Disneyland Resort main entrance and press the DW0031?
Although this penny press is outside of the Disneyland Resort and not an official Disneyland machine, the coin mentions "Disneyland" and therefore has been given the Disneyland Wannabe collection guide number of DW0032. The DW0029, same style coin dated 2008, is retired.

NEW Disneyland Wannabe Coin!
Disneyland Wannabe Elongated Coin Guide
DW Collection Guide elongated coin number 32

01/29/09 Still no new coins at Disneyland Anaheim to report. But, it is a great time to check out what David "Darkbeer" Michael has to say today. As many ParkPennies.com visitors know, the good folks at MiceChat offer lots of insider information, cool pictures, and news about Disneyland, Universal and Knott's from several very knowledgeable authors.
01/25/09 Wow! Boomer took a few days off only to find the Post Office box full of requests for free* pressed pennies! Thank you for your interest, and please forgive a few days delay. We'll have your self-addressed stamped envelopes in the mail ASAP. If you haven't checked the visitor linked auctions, do take a look. Over 120 Disney elongated coins for sale mostly by fellow collectors. Some are buy it nows, so check often. Every once in a while a real neat coin is offered for... a few minutes! Before I forget, I've heard there will be a new coin or two out soon. We'll post the news here as soon as it's official.
01/23/09 We may have received a welcome anony-mouse communication from an individual that has long been identified as our friend MouseEars. We hope MouseEars will resend their message including some text from one of their previous messages for confirmation.
01/18/09 We felt the 2008 seasonal nickel set (12/02/08 post) was a great example of "Disney Quality" engraving and artwork. And your emails praising the set quality were a welcome change from the 2006-2008 complaints about the drop in pressed coin quality.
Some readers have also asked if we thought the excellent artwork and improved engraving was evidence of the direction the new penny press management has taken. I think it's too early to know for sure. But, we hope so and think the expected 2009 Grand Californian Chip N Dale coin may provide more insight. (Rumors suggest the delay in the arrival of the 2009 Chip N Dale coin could be in part due to a higher quality no compromise standard. -and- We have heard nothing but praises about the new man in charge who has already earned an excellent reputation in the world of Disneyland pins.)
Before you write... If we were not to mention it, many readers would (continue to) remind us that high quality, hand engraved elongated coin dies could be ordered and delivered in a week or two from expert engravers very eager to have Disneyland's business. So why the delay? Let us not forget that with a corporation the size of Disney, there is a lot more to do from start to finish than just cutting a die. So, it's understandable to us if there are some delays especially following a managerial transition. For now, my thoughts are focused on how nice the last seasonal nickel set was and my hopes are that future Disneyland elongated coins will be as nice. I hope to post more 2009 Chip N Dale elongated coin news before long.
01/14/09 STILL no news! sleepy penny
01/07/09 Many collectors have asked about the arrival of the 2009 Chip N Dale elongated coin, a traditional new year coin for several years now. Although the penny press machine has been off-stage since the end of December, it has not returned yet. Stay tuned here for updates.
01/02/09 14 (fourteen!) new coins in December and about 18 (eighteen!) more so far in January at the Tokyo Disneyland Resort for a total of more than 30 in so many days. (Read more about these new TDL coins.) But, not one new coin or yearly replacement reported at Disneyland Anaheim so far. Stay tuned.

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