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BBS Pressed Coin Posts
July 1998 Letter to a
Disneyland Cast Member

Robert Hoff
Post Office Box 17812
Anaheim, CA 92817
Mr. Jack XXXX
July 19, 1998

Hi Jack;

It was great talking with you today. As per our conversation, I have enclosed a copy of the current catalog "draft". Please feel free to share it with others, it is intended to be free to all. The catalog is the work of many, inspired and originally composed by Chris Aahz, a collector of all types of elongated coins.

As you know, the knowledge we share today will benefit fellow Disneyland "pressed coin" enthusiasts in the future. It is my hope to help build a complete reference of all Disneyland elongated coins including histories and pricing for us and those of us to follow. I'd welcome your help and the help of others you may know, who would contribute. We would like to give them both credit for their contributions to this great hobby as well as credit for their help in advancing this reference work.

It would be my pleasure to send you future copies of the catalog as it progresses. Just let me know.

Hope to speak with you soon and happy collecting,
Robert and Anastasia Hoff

Introduction to the nostalgic Elongated Coin USENET BBS Forums
Disney Pressed Penny History June 1997-
Disney Pressed Penny History July 1997
Disney Pressed Penny History July 1997a
Disney Pressed Penny History July 1997b
Disney Pressed Penny History July 1997c
Disney Pressed Penny History Sept 1997
Disney Pressed Penny History Sept 1997a
Disney Pressed Penny History Oct 1997
Disney Pressed Penny History Oct 1997a
Disney Pressed Penny History Dec 1997
Disney Pressed Penny History Dec 1997a
Disney Pressed Penny History Jan 1998
Disney Pressed Penny History Feb 1998
Early Guide Related Letter to Disneyland Cast Member 1998
Early email Disney Pressed Penny Guide
Chris Aahz: The Internet Grows for Collectors 1997
You may also search the USENET posts via the search box at the top of the Disney Pressed Penny Home Page.

Please let us know if you have files to contribute.

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Mr. Vance Fowler, Father of the coin operated penny press.
Early Disneyland Penny Press Machine History & Acknowledgments

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