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June 2009 Tokyo Disneyland Resort "Souvenir Medals"
Pictures Courtesy of Kuniaki Hiraki
© 2009 Kuniaki Hiraki and ParkPennies.com

Tokyo Disneyland Resort "Pressed Penny" Souvenirs
Issued in June of 2009

Our thanks to a very generous collector, Kuniaki Hiraki in Japan, who has been very kind to share his knowledge and pictures of these coins with us from his excellent web site.

We have added a special page for Disney Stores, Japan. The Disney Store "pressed penny" collection guide will cover Disney themed medal souvenirs vended from Disney Stores in Japan. Do check it out. June has strated out as usual with three very nicely engraved coins of the month for June, 2009. We hope to add more so, do check back soon for additions to this page.-

We'll add these coins to the Tokyo Disneyland Souvenir Guides (ディズニー・スーベニアメダル) as soon as we have coins in hand to scan and Boomer gets caught up.

Happy collecting,
Boomer and the folks at ParkPennies.com

Editor's note: We are often reminded that the preferred numismatic term is "Souvenir Medals". However, some rebellious ParkPennies.com contributors are known to use more casual, fun terms like: elongated coins, pressed pennies, flattened, crushed, squashed, rolled, mashed, smashed, stamped, squished, smushed, stretched, memory, keepsake, and souvenir coin medallions to describe these fun penny souvenirs.

June 2009 Coin of the Month for Tokyo Disneyland.  What a great collection!
Tokyo DisneySea! June 2009 coin of the month.
Does this poor guy look like he's at the park gates and forgot his annual pass!?
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