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 Disney's California Adventure
Sneak Preview Elongated Quarters
CM0009 and CM0010
© 2007 ParkPennies

Disney's California Adventure Preview elongated quarters

Comparison of Disney's California Adventure Preview
Elongated Quarters, CM0009 and CM0010

These quarters are sometimes hard to tell apart when they next to each other! However, the advanced collector will want one of each for their collections.

The preview event was a chance for Disney fans to see the new park and experience a special evening enjoying the attractions, participating in some special events, a voucher for dinner in the park was included... my daughter personally met a very gracious Michael Eisner... And there were two exclusive quarter presses in the main event room at the Grand Californian Hotel! The machines were accessible to all attendees.

Many people thought, and others were assured by some Cast Members, that the two machines, located at opposite sides of the banquet room, offered identical coins. So, no need to worry about a machine that was jammed or wait in two lines. Matter of fact, many people pressed only a single coin or two from just one machine. True, they may look a lot alike, however, they represent two different dies, in two different machines. That's gotta be two "different" dies, two different elongated coins!

We hope the images provided will help readers attribute the coins they have or identify the coins they are looking for. These pictures are our effort to illustrate why the CM0009 is sometimes called the "Bare Bear" and the CM0010 is sometimes called the "Hairy Bear". The guide sections below have a bit more detail, like the grip and dot variation between the two quarter. The one coin's "furry texture" is for me, the easiest way to tell the coins apart. Once you have seen them both, you should have no trouble attributing future coins.

If the image above isn't large enough, here is an even larger side by side comparison of the CM0009 and CM0010 at 600DPI. The lint is visible for scale and realism. ( And to remind me to clean the scanner next time! smile )

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From the ParkPennies.com CM Disneyland ® Cast Member Reference Guide
Zoom in on these Disneyland elongated coins and pressed pennies with a click.
Pressed Penny Guide No. CM0009
Zoom or Compare in Window # 1   2   3

(Vertical elongated quarter image) SNEAK PREVIEW DISNEY’S CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE tm JANUARY 19, 2001, "bare bear" (bear is flat), slightly larger dots than CM0010, thinner gripper slot, © DISNEY, "e" for Eurolink Design Corporation replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot.
Close-up images can be viewed on the DCA Sneak Preview detail page. Die was available for 13 hours (less down time) to attendees during the Sneak Preview Event. Event required Park entry and additional fee payment.
Zoom in on these Disneyland elongated coins and pressed pennies with a click.
Pressed Penny Guide No. CM0010
Zoom or Compare in Window # 1   2   3

(Vertical elongated quarter image) SNEAK PREVIEW DISNEY’S CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE tm JANUARY 19, 2001, "hairy bear" (bear has noticeable fur), slightly smaller dots than CM0009, thicker gripper slot, © DISNEY, "e" for Eurolink Design Corporation replaces the dot nearest the center of the gripper slot.
Close-up images can be viewed on the DCA Sneak Preview detail page. Die was available for 13 hours (less down time) to attendees during the Sneak Preview Event. Event required Park entry and additional fee payment.
DCA preview quarters
Bears Detail
Detail Zoom Detail

Close-up images of these two nearly impossible to tell apart DCA Preview Bears, can be viewed on the DCA Sneak Preview detail page.
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