Coins of the Month are one of my favorite series at TDR! Forgive me if I may have mentioned that earlier? Hard to believe they have been on-stage nearly three years and number nearly 50 coins already! Although so far the "nickel" medals are absent this year and the engraver's hand seems to have changed, the decorative coin borders and three dimensional quality are still nice as are the themes. Especially when compared to some recent Disneyland USA pressed penny issues.
The Tokyo Disneyland pressed pennies or medals have become increasingly difficult to acquire, especially for collectors in the United States. The longtime suppliers that offered the coins on eBay and via subscription lists are not offering the coins as regularly as in past years. Although these souvenirs can still be purchased by collectors outside of Japan, the costs of purchase, shipping and related risks make it difficult for a buyer to resell the coins at a price comparable to past offerings.
We are still purchasing these coins for display in the guides. However, availability and costs of acquisition are at least for the current time, challenging when compared to coins available in the United States or even Hong Kong.
Pictures follow, enjoy! Open this link if you'd like to see more Tokyo Disneyland Resort Coins of the Month, one of my favorite Disneyland "pressed penny" sets, if I didn't mention it before.